6 | boys

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"what are you doing for summer?"

I couldn't believe that time had come already. It did make sense though, every year since middle school just sped up, and now I was nearly finished with high school.

"idk." I replied, and I sat to think about it with my phone in my hands. My family probably wasn't going to go anywhere but a few family reunions, so I would probably stay with my mom and avoid those.

"im coming to atl for a bit."

I asked for how long, quickly. He said for about a week. Some of his relatives lived down here and he was gonna stay with them.

"we should hang out." I obviously didn't think before I sent that. My mom wouldn't approve.

"hmm... we should." I could tell he was smirking at this point, probably rubbing his chin too.

What could we possibly do? We could go to the bookstore and buy some stuff, and even go shopping at Atlantic Station and see a movie. Yeah, something like that. Mom would let me go on my own, she would probably go out with a friend of hers. Cadence was on vacation in Florida with Robert, and my Dad and siblings were together in the middle of nowhere in Tennessee. It could all work out, and I could go out on my own. I had enough money from babysitting nearly every weekend to shopping, so that was a yes. I could finally have my own freedom I had been hoping for.

I told Jackson about what we could do over FaceTime, and he was up for everything. He said he'll pay for the movie and the books we bought at the bookstore.

"You're paying for whatever you buy when you go shopping."

"Fine with me."

He was already at the airport, and we decided to go this Saturday. Today was Wednesday, which gave me a few days to plan. Then I received a text from my god mom.

"Hey, I gotta go. I'm babysitting tonight."

"Bye babygirl."

When I got to my god mom's house, there was a car parked in the driveway I didn't recognize. I decided to ask her when I got inside. I knocked on the door and heard Kerry, my god mother, yell, "It's open!" I came in and my god brother and god sister came running to my arms.

"We missed you!" Ava said, and Gavin climbed on my back to hug me.

"I saw you last weekend. Hi Gavin." He kissed me on the cheek and giggled.

Kerry ran me over with the facts. She and Terrence my godfather, and her cousin would be back late, and Gavin and Ava had already bathed. They could stay up late.

"Oh, one of their cousins are here. He's your age, I think." Boy?

After Kerry, Terrence and the mystery boy's mom left, we migrated to the living room. On the couch sat a guy who looked older than I.

"Hey I'm Ian." He got up and reached his hand out.

"London." I sat on the recliner with Gavin and Ava. They were both so tiny; Ava was 7 and Gavin was 5.

After 2 Mickey Mouse movies, 3 Barbie shows and both Cars movies, Gavin and Ava were finally asleep down after what felt like forever. Ian and I were in a good conversation, and in a short time we got along quickly.

"Why didn't Kerry have you babysit instead?"

"I don't really know them that well, my mom and I live in New York and don't get to seem them a lot, and she already said that she had you. I didn't think that would be fair either to take your job away from you like that. Besides, they think I'm scary looking."

I chuckled. "Thanks for that."

"Also, when she mentioned a girl was coming, I was hoping she was cute."

I exhaled, smiling. I just looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders, a smile tugging at his lips.

"An ugly nigga gotta get some too." I laughed and told him he wasn't ugly. "But in all seriousness, you're extremely attractive."

"But Ian, you're attractive as well. Especially in style sense." Ian was wearing a plain Supreme t-shirt and distressed blue jeans.

I shook my head. Ian was really cool and chill, and he was unintentionally funny. "I'd rather be blessed with style than looks."

"We should hang out sometime. I'm leaving on Sunday. How about Saturday?"

I agreed. I'm not gonna let this chance slip between my fingers to hang out with a guy. I would hangout with the ones at my school, but I don't want to get distracted (and most I didn't find appealing). GPA is first priority. We got each other's numbers, and he asked for my snapchat user. I gave it to him and added him as a friend. When Kerry got back, she was happy to know that her kids were asleep in bed. It was 1am and I had to get home. Ian walked me out to my car.

"Do you need a ride home?" He asked respectfully and I politely declined, giving him a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye.

@ianconnorsrevenge as Ian Connor, picture provided

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