14 | cabin fever

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Months passed, and class started for Jackson and I tomorrow, and today was a lazy day. jackson always everything to a T; there was enough food in the fridge for a week, and anything I needed could be ordered online. I hated the feeling of being spoiled, but Jackson made it a routine for me.

While I was here, I'd been less busy every single day. jackson enrolled me in NYU and showed me where my classes were over the summer. We ate out a few times each week and went to concerts and after parties every weekend. I was surprised that I'd been here for so long and no one had come knocking at our door.

But sometimes I would wake up and jackson would be gone. He would only leave a note saying the time he would be back, and he would rarely be back at that time. When I tried to call him he would never pick up the phone. I'd spend hours in the house trying to waste time.

This was my current siituation.

it was past noon on a Monday, and Jackson said he would be back around 3 this afternoon. I decided to run on the treadmill for a bit. i needed to get used to exercise since the freshman fifteen was real. The only problem was that I liked to run on terrain but I didn't have a key to get back in. I could go downstairs and ask for a spare.

I took the elevator downstairs ad walked to te concierge. There was Malcolm; there was always only Malcolm, he was a one man team.

"Hello Malcolm." I gave him a smile and he smiled back.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Pontairre?"

That was odd, why would he call me that? Maybe Jackson told him i was his sister.

"Is it possible that I could have a spare room key for myself?"

Malcolm drew in a sharp breath. "Ms. Pontairre, I don't know if-"

"London." I turned to see Jackson staring at me. "What are you doing?" his tone was vicious.

"I was asking Malcolm if I could have a key for myself."

"I was just about to tell her that every owner has a spare key." Malcolm interrupted, stuttering. "I was going to suggest she ask you."

Jackson's face was stout. "Thank you, Malcolm."

I looked between the two of them, and Malcolm looked slightly frightened, breaking a sweat. I walked behind Jackson into the elevator. He inserted his card and we went straight to the top floor.

He suddenly turned. "Why didn't you ask me? I would've said yes."

"I didn't think you would answer if I called or texted you."

He looked down and clenched his jaw. "I always check your texts, but sometimes I don't have time to respond."

What's so important that he can't text me back? We went into the room, and Jackson dug through the kitchen drawer and handed me a key card with my name on it.

"I'm going to go shower."

I took his hand. "Wait." He looked at me. "Where were you today?"

He only turned. "Family business. Something important came up." He held my hand in his and kissed it. I gently smiled. He let go and went into his room.


College is simple. It's like retaking your easiest class. Quality time management and note taking skills are key.

NYU is close to where I stay, so making it to class on time is a doozy. Jackson and I drove to campus this morning, and he said he would see me when I got home. All my classes were fast paced and the day was long.

I took an Uber home, and Jackson was already there. I reviewed my notes and completed my assignments, taking a few hours in the process. I ordered a pizza since Jackson was passed out on the couch and I was too tired to cook. I showered while I waited on the pizza.

As I showered I could see a dull light slowly flashing in the top corner of the bathroom. I turned the shower knobs off and wrapped myself in a towel. I squinted to see the light. Was it a camera?

The doorbell rang and I dried off to slip into some comfortable clothing. I went to the door and straightened some loose bills out.

"Total is ten sixty- London?"

I stopped counting change. "Ian?"

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