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Marlene's POV

"I'll do the dare together with..." Tris says, and the only thing I can think of is that please don't let it be Uri. I mean, even if I was the one to leave him, it doesn't mean that I don't still like him...just a bit. And if things go wrong with Lynn, it's good to have someone else to date then.
"...Will." What!? Did I just heard that Tris picked Will to play seven minutes in heaven with her? Chrissy is going to be sooo mad at her.
I see Will walking towards the bedroom and Tris followes him. Oh, soon they are gone and the rest of us can discuss Tris's unexpected choise. Yeah, Will was the last one I expected her to pick...I would've guessed Uri or Peter. Thank god not Uri!
"Eh, Christina, what do you think about the dare, I mean..." Shauna asks her. "It's fine. Tris just picked Will because he's the only guy that doesn't have a crush on her." Chris answers, but I can hear that she does not believe her own words. And I bet she's jealous about Tris getting all boys. Wich makes me think about...
"Chrissy! We should invite more people to this Candor or Dauntless party! It's getting a bit boring with this few." "Fine, I'll go with Shauna and see if we meet any of our friends." Shauna nods as she follows Chris out from Zeke's..and her's..apartment.
I look at the people left in the room. I see Uriah, handsome as usual, but not so happy-go-lucky as before. Then there's Zekey, he's really funny and a lot hotter than, well, his best friend. And Peter, he is here too. With a jealous look he looks at the bedroom door. Definitely a fan of Tris.. I can't stand the fact that that ugly, pale, skinny stiff is more popular than me!
Lynn's voice interrupts me "Marley, what's going on? You look like you are going to explode" "Fine Lynnsie" I say to her with an evil smile on my face. That smile soon changes to a laugh, when I look deep into my girlfriends eyes before kissing her.

The kiss was short, but I can still feel that everyone..okay, three boys...are staring at us. "What!?" "Nothing, I just tought that we could continue the game while Christina and Shauna are gone" Zeke replies.
Everyone nods, it seems like a good idea. "Okay...Marlene, C or D?" Zeke asks. Oh no, why me again!? And Zeke. I know his dares, but I don't want to answer any kinky question about my relationship with Lynnsie, so...
"..dare" I say. As I look back at Zeke I know that I picked wrong..too late to change now. Just hope that it won't be anything too embarrasing.
"Okay, I dare you, Marlene, to go and get a tattoo heart with the text that is saying I love Zeke 4ever."
I knew it! Never that I will do this dare! I mean, tattoos really last 4ever so I won't get one just because my ex-boyfriend's brother dared me to. I don't care if Uri thinks I'm a pansycake...he still loves me and there's nothing that can change it right?
I take off my pink jacket. Thank god that I have a lot of clothes still on..
Zeke looks disappointed, but what can he say? It was my choise. If he had really wanted a tattoo with his name on, he should probably have dared Shauna...
I realize that it is my turn now...who is going to be my victim? Lynnsie? No, I could never dare her to do anything terrible..Zeke again would be perfect for the dare I am thinking of..
"Zeke, truth or dare?" I ask him. He thinks about it a while, then he decides to go with Candor. And of course someone yells at exactly the same time "PANSYCAKE!!!" Uriah. He is just too funny, that's the reason why I left him. Like can't that guy take anything serious?
"Okay, Zeke. You must tell us all what you feel for Tris. No lying. Some of us used to be Candor " looking at Peter "and they will recognize a lie!" "Fine...uhm...she's my friend and I like her...just as a friend." Obviously he tries to convince me but I can see how nervous he is. "Zeke, Shauna isn't here now. You tell us the truth now or..."
"Okay, I have been in love with Tris since she was the first jumper. But I will never tell her because first of all I already have worlds best girlfriend Shauna, even if I don't love her. Second - my best friend and my brother also have a crush on her."
WHAT!? The rude instructor? Never that he loved anyone! And Uri? I svear that the only girl he likes is ME, not that stiff...I mean Triss....Uriah Pedrad belongs to me and only me! Right?

Suddenly I realize that the room has become totally silent. Only thing I can hear is people breathing...as I look at them they all seem chocked...
Then, finally, Uriah opens his mouth and says "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN MARLENE!!!???"

//Author's Note//
150 reads for this story...THANKS!♥ When I started writing I hoped for 10 so this is incredible!

This chapter is dedlicated to TBWGamer because she has commented last three chapters and also it is her birthday today so Congraz!

Next update on friday, until that STAY STRONG!

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