This is honestly rlly funny

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Im having too much fun w this

   Target was walking downtown, looking for a gift for Walmart, when he bumped into someone. Not just anyone, this was Target's ex; Walgreens.(is that too niche?) "Heyy Target! How've you been?" Walgreens greeted Target. "Oh I'm doing alright." Target answered awkwardly. Walgreens cheated on Target with Rite-Aid(as if I've ever been in a Rite-Aid). "How about we stop for some coffee?" Walgreens offered. "Uh, SURE." Target said impulsively. Of course he didn't actually want to get coffee with Walgreens, but he didn't know how to say no. 

They walked by to a nearby coffee shop, making small talk. Target had a bad feeling. They went in and ordered their coffee. "So how's life?" Walgreens sipped his coffee. "Oh well the business is doing well, and I have a new boyfriend." I tried to casually mention I was already taken. "Oh, who?" Walgreens asked. "Oh he doesn't really want it public yet haha." I laugh. "Well who would be embarrassed to go out with you?" Walgreens was trying to be suave. "Oh it's not that, he just doesn't want me to lose all my white moms in my business." I try to shut him down. "Well that's ok.. anyway," Walgreens keeps chatting and Target sits miserably nodding and making short responses.  

"Well I've gotta get going, I have to get something before it gets too dark." Target checked his phone and saw how late it was getting, he didn't want to be stuck out late with Walgreens, and he still needed a gift for Walmart. "Oh that's too bad. I'll walk with you." Walgreens couldn't take a hint. "Oh you don't need to do that, I can handle myself." Target said, as he made his way towards the exit. Walgreens still followed. "Target I'm just trying to be polite, why are you being so cold?" Walgreens asked outside the building. "Because. Why SHOULD I be nice to you, you cheated on me and then expect me to be all nice? Fuck you." Target turned away and looked at the moon as he walked. 

Walgreens grabbed Target's wrist and pulled him back. "You should be nice, I'm still stronger than you." Walgreens threatened. "Look Walgreens just go away. I'm with someone else now." Target tried to seem confident. Walgreens smacked Target across the face, leaving a red mark. "What the hell Walgreens!" Target tried to pull his hand away, but struggled to get away from the much stronger Walgreens. "What're you gonna do about it?" Walgreens dragged Target to a nearby alley and slammed him against the brick, sending shooting pains through his back. "AHh, Walgreens stop it! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Target begged. "You had your chance. Now you'll pay." Walgreens dug Target's wrists into the brick, scratching them so he wouldn't struggle. 

"Hey what the-" Target open his eyes to see Walgreens being pulled off of him. "What're you doing?" Walgreens shouted at the mystery man. "Leave him alone you rat." Target knew that voice, it was Walmart. "Whatever man." Walgreens stormed off. "Walmart, what are you doing out here?" Target rubbed his wrists. "The more important question is what are you doing here?" Walmart hugged Target. "I was going to surprise you with something I saw down here, then I ran into him." Target fell into Walmarts embraced. "That's ok, let's just get you home, ok baby?" Walmart picked Target up on his back. 

Walmart carried Target home and made him dinner. They cuddled together and watched The Good Place on Hulu (where god intended it be watched). Eventually Target managed to drift off, safe in Walmarts arms.

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