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fatigue hit me like a junk truck, I got offered a place to sleep in the van. my eyes sting awaiting for me to shut them. stomach grumbling and mouth dry, I still haven't eaten. I didn't ask for food though, I don't know much these people have, and I'm sure they can afford another mount to feed.

there is a creek on the van floor followed behind a shut of the door. Glenn steps through, it's dark but I can form out his shape, especially because of his cap. "hey" his voice is nothing louder than a whisper "hey, what's up" iv decided to let off the rude bitch act, for now, it's still there though.

"i brought you something to eat, look like you need it" ouch I mean true but damn, he must have read my expression because a moment later his face morphed in regret and his voice pitched with a slight stutter "no no I didn't-" I cut him off "it's okay, I really do need it thankyou" I chuckle. he hands me the food, a plain bag of chips. he stops as if he is debating something.

I move over just the slightest to uncover some of the floors before gesturing for him to sit. I count 8 seconds of awkward silence before he breaks it "so, how do you like our group?" I look up from my food "you all seem like very nice people" hope flashes through his eyes, how could one have so much hope at a time like this in a world like ours?

"have you changed your mind about leaving yet?" "I don't know" I really don't know. he drops the subject for the best. I feel bad though and honestly, he isn't the worst person to talk to, "what did you do before this?' its a simple question so he leaves a simple answer "delivered pizzas" he seems embarrassed, it's cute. stop you can't think that. "what did you do?" lie the voice yells from behind my ears but I decided against it "I was in the military"

and that's how we spent the next four hours, all traces of sleep gone. sharing stories. before Glenn went to his bed before we both ended up falling asleep.


Beads of sweat roll from my hairline to my neck as I toss and turn through the night. I sigh before slipping out of my thin and scratchy sheet.

Every night was the same, having nightmares about the blood on my hands, as I gaze down at the lifeless victim, causing me to shake violently as I wake, breathing rapid and sweat collecting from the top of my head to the bottom of my heels. Then only for me to relive the same nightmare the next night.

no one is awake yet, I take this as the perfect opportunity to sneak off early to look for Sophia.

As I twist and turn around the beautiful green vibrant trees, leafs crackling under the soals of my shoes. My mind runs to me and Glenn's conversation from the night prior, something I haven't been able to remove from my mind.

"do You want to hear something really stupid?" he asks gazing at me.
I turn my head to look at him. "What?"
He shifts a little causing the light from the moon to graze over his skin "I really thought I was going to be happy you know," the tiniest of smiles tugs
at his lips. He speaks up again "like what would it be like if this wasn't to happen?" His voice cracks as he slips the last word form his lips. What would we be doing if the world wasn't like this? "It's better to not think about what could have been and focus more on what is now" it was cheesy but I couldn't think of anything more.
"Yeah." he says softly.

The snap of a branch pulls me from my thoughts, swishing my head to the side. Whatever it was it was gone now, maybe a fox?

So far I haven't found anything that could hold a lead in where Sophia is and it's driving me crazy. I knew I should have left, not having to worry about someone else. But some part of my is holding me back from leaving.

I reach a creek, it's once beautiful crystal clear water, contaminated with the disgusting flavours of what our world is now.

My shoes are too small for my feet, and what I want most is to dip my toes into the ice cold water to ease them of the uncomfortable pain.

I ponder on the idea, maybe if we are still looking tomorrow.


It's funny now thinking there will always be a next day, but one can never be too sure of that. We don't know what's going to happen, we didn't know the world was gonna end but it did.

I wonder if Sophia is thinking of a tomorrow. Will she have a tomorrow?

Still standing with the toes of my boots touching the tip of the bank, I graze over my reflection. I look more frail and my scars are prominent but other then that I look the same, the same tired eyes and messy hair.

I ran out of water about and hour ago, my mouth as dry as sandpaper making swallowing a chore. Im heading back. Just to get some water and maybe something to eat. Then I'm heading off again.

The walk back is far more draining then the walk in to the forest. Now I get why they always save water in movies. Smart.

Looking up at the sky, eyes trailing along the clouds, it's about 5:00pm from my guess.

I really need a watch.

After and hour of listening to the crunching leaves under my boots, I make it back to the road.

I could still run, but I won't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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Drowning ghosts  // Glenn RheeWhere stories live. Discover now