Zombie land

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I'm not sure if I believe in God; if he truly wanted what was best for us, why did he allow this to happen to the world? Nothing makes sense anymore.

it's hitting dawn meaning I need to find a place to crash, my first option is a tree.

I got the idea from the hunger games. I thought it was so cool when katniss stayed in the tree without falling off all night; that was not the case for my first attempt at sleeping in a tree. I think I slept for about 4 hours before landing on my ass in the crunchy leaves. which is exactly why I shake the idea off as soon as it enters my head.

it doesn't take long until I find a cabin, after searching the area I open the door tapping my knife in case of any not-so-dead rotters that are keeping the place vacant.

it's clear.

tiptoeing as soundlessly as I could, I move to the far end of the house after locking all the doors, setting up for camp for the night before hitting lights out.

I didn't dream last night, which is unusual because I'm constantly dreaming, well, more nightmares, I can't tell the difference anymore.

The clattering of something hitting the ground jolts me out of my reverie. I slip my knife between my fingers and use my other hand to swipe the sleep from my eye and quickly arch my back in an attempt to stretch it into comfort.

There's a scuffle. It is quite simple to tell the difference between human life and the dead, not just from appearance but from sounds. It's on my mental list of things to learn for the apocalypse; I got the idea from a movie I saw as a kid called 'Zombieland,' in which the main character, 'Columbus,' has a list of rules for the apocalypse, including,

1: Cardio - Zombies aren't fast, it's more important to be able to run longer than faster.

* #2: Double Tap - One clean shot to the head can protect against zombies playing possum.

* #3: Beware of Bathrooms - Zombies know to hang around them, caution can help avoid an ambush. (At this point bathrooms are barely used and we go bush instead)

* #4: Seatbelts - Wear one, zombies rarely do. Braking can send them flying away.

* #7: Travel light - Traveling light means traveling fast. Only pack essentials. (Yes my book is essential)

* #17: Don't be a Hero - Unnecessary risks are risks that shouldn't be taken.

  * #17: Be a Hero - But for loved ones, some risks are worth taking. (Personally don't need this rule but you get the gist)

* #18: Limber up - A muscle cramp during a zombie chase is a death sentence.

* #22: When in Doubt, Know Your Way Out - Knowing where to flee can aid an escape.

* #23: Ziploc™ Bags - (obviously)

* #31: Check the Back Seat - Zombies or little girls with guns may hide there, don't be caught off guard.

* #32: Enjoy the little things - Zombieland is harsh, enjoy happiness where it can be found to stay sane.

* #36: Sunscreen - (or you will look like a zed head when you hit fifty)

* #42: Keep your hands to yourself - It ostensibly leads to better group cohesion and facilitation of rule #52.

* #52: Don't be afraid to ask for help - Groups have a greater chance of survival. (Big no no)

* #53: Wet naps -

You may be wondering, Marella, how the flipity fuck did you remember that; well, I had no life or friends and re-watched the movie a total of 62354592 times.

I suppose it was useful.

It took four minutes of scraping and clattering for me to get off my ass and silence the rotter before I get back collect my belongings, choosing to leave before more rotters show up.

throughout the past few weeks, I have stuck to the same area meaning I was running out of places to scavenge for supplies, meaning I need to move.

so today is the day I move.

it's hard to keep track of where you are walking when everything surrounding you looks the same. all I can do is remind myself, get to the highway, get to the highway, get to the highway, get to the highway.

Following the same path over and over, passing the same tree, it starts to feel like it's been hours.

My body is weak from not eating, and with only one sip of water left in my bottle, my mind races. Perhaps I won't make it. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I can't think that

My legs are barely moving as they drag through the dirt, I spot the vague outline of cars, I almost scream in delight but tuck it away.

I don't know what I expected from the highway. cars littered everywhere, someone had been through here. many cars are cleared from supplies and there are dead rotters scattered all over the place.

maybe they are still here.

my toes curl at that thought. I continue walking regardless.

The cars' shadows cast on the road, and the cool air pricks my neck.

I keep walking along the highway, rummaging through bags and luggage. I don't feel alone in some strange way. It could have been the distant groans of the rotters, or the wind, which occasionally knocked over a stray can or two.

A single fly lands on the top of my nose before buzzing in front of my sweaty face, utterly exhausted and with my little lack of sleep, therefore, leading to my bitch personality setting in, I swat my hand in front of my face in frustration, like a mini tamper tantrum.

one thing that I hate about the apocalypses besides literally everything, Is the flies.

They are everywhere, I think that if the human race got pushed off the world map then why the fuck do flies get the privilege to stay. They are sticky and gross and fly up your nostrils.

Bringing my hand up for the eighteenth millionth time i swat at the fly as I walk. Tripping over a suitcase in the process. Not fun. I need to stick a sign to my back with the words printed 'watch out walking disaster'.

This results in me making quite some noise and collecting the attention of every rotter in the near radius. I stand corrected. A Hurd.

I haven't had the opportunity to be stuck in a Hurd yet and I really wasn't planning on it today, I'm simply not in the mood, no instead I'm in the mood to be sitting at the beach getting a tan but that's not the case, I'm stuck having to run from a pack of flesh-eating cannibals.

Everyone has their flaws, mine is my lack of being able to run fast. Not good for when your getting chased by a Hurd. Lucky they are quite slow due to there body's decomposing.

I don't stop running though, even though I need to, I can barely stay up.

Just as I'm about to come to a halt, a hand grabs my wrist, and another is gently but hurriedly placed over my mouth. After all of this, this is it, this is how I die, I squeeze my eyes shut. Ha as if.

'Not today you son of a bitch' I say into their hand but it sounds more like a "nofdaysobi", still fighting and them shushing me, I'm dragged under the nearest car. Back hitting the solid ground but not a sound leaves my lips, then it clicks. I'm right next to a human, a person and there is no way I can run without getting my foot eaten off.

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