0 | Prolog

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to the person who said sorry when she saw a dead rat
to the person who always smiles even when she hurts
to the person who always looks right into my eyes when we are talking
to the only person that I fall in love with, Arayuna

'Your iel' just want to say that you are enough, you are beautiful, you are amazing and I will never be able to lose you again.

"Jasiel, lo kenal gue sebagai arayuna empat tahun lalu, bukan arayuna yang sekarang."

"Yuna, disini cuma gue yang berjuang atau lo emang gapernah peduli?"

start : 7 june 2022
end : -

Hii welcome to AGAIN, story by leulsfine!
Cerita ini ga akan aku buat berat, jadi cuma cerita ringan yang berasal dari pemikiranku dan tentunya ga lepas dari inspirasi lainnya. Semoga bisa masuk di kalian cerita ini, kalau ada sesuatu yang mau di utarakan feel free to comment! Thankyou!! 🤗

AGAIN | Sunghoon x YunaWhere stories live. Discover now