(2) A Fresh Breeze Of A Familiar Stranger

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Art: @okinejin (twitter)

In complete disbelief, Thoma stared back at the graceful looking superior. His elegant fatigue standing firmly in front of him, the atmosphere was overfilled with an intimidating aura. He complete disregarded the firm handshake he was in the middle of, as he just held onto the guys hand in awe.

Thoma's eyes trailed down the tall body of the male. His silver hair, neatly tied in a low ponytail fell along his broad shoulders. He had a long cream-white coat barely holding onto him, covering his tidy tuxedo which had a peculiar snowflake pin attached to it. It glimmered as the sun beams slightly bounced off it, keeping his attention locked on the sirs chest. It was clearly a gift from his sister, which he gracefully kept close to his heart.

"Thoma? Is everything alright?" The man slightly tilted his head, not letting go of their hands. Ayaka was standing in between them, stuck in an odd situation as her eyes silently inspected their greeting. With little to no suspicion, she gently nodded Thomas leg with her foot, finally breaking the blonde free from his day dream.

He snapped back to reality as he shook his head and released the man's hand. "Y-your team, sir?" He muttered, still baffled that he's finally facing the head of the corporation he hid under. Not only that, the same person is greeting him to a work force he only agreed to try out in.

Last evening, the moment he agreed to partake in the house work selection, his peaceful morning was broken by Ayaka pacing back and forward on the phone all around the room. Fixated on a kind of heated conversation. At the sight of Thoma, she simply waved at him and motioned him to get some breakfast set on the dinner room table. That morning she seemed more serious than ever, reminding Thoma that he's in the room of many important meetings.

"I advise you to take my words to heart. There's nobody else in our estate who knows Thoma as much as I do and if there will be a situation where he fails, I'll take full responsibility." Was the only thing Thoma could hear. Just his name being uttered in a conversation made his heart skip a couple beats. Maybe agreeing to try out was a mistake?

Ayato raised his hand up and looked over his watch, paying little to barely any attention to the blonde. "Certainly. Ayaka has informed me all about your skills and motivations." He worded out in a monotone tone, even Ayaka didn't break into her usual smile. Seemingly, this was a fight for her friend to find a good work place. "You understand the amount of competition you're going against, correct?"

"Certainly. I know my status as a newcomer from Monstad could affect my application, but I assure you, I will try my upmost best" Thoma nodded. Being flustered wouldn't buy him any sympathy points, so showing his best face was the only option.

"Where you are from is not my issue. My only concern is the lack of legal applications submitted last minute. I'm going to assume you did not see the deadline for the applications, for it has ended a couple days ago" Ayato stood firm, all the hopes that he'll be similar to his sister shattering before Thomas eyes. He didn't say a word, just obediantely let his head down and nodded. Then why was he welcoming just a minute ago?

Finally, Ayaka tuned in. "Do not be so harsh on him, Ayato. That is not a way to treat special trainees. I would advise to be more encouraging, as the head of the Kamisato Estate, you should withstand your noble status" Her soft voice couldn't match her almost sarcastic comment, making  Ayato crack a small smile at the edge of his lips.

As if doubting to understand this sibling communication, Thoma was faced by Ayato in a new manner. "That is true. Despite your late attendance, you've been accepted straight to the training session for accepted applicants. I hope you can comprehend how much of a privelege this is" He smiled, yet even such a kind gesture seemed intimidating, especially coming from him.

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