(5) The Guidance of a Friend

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2:31 PM

"You're calling late. "

The commissioner's voice, even though slightly disordered by the quality of the phone call, didn't fail to sound intimidating. Suddenly, a very assured feeling of regret coarse through Thomas's veins.

H-how'd he know it's me?? Thoma repressed a cough as if he was hit in the stomach. Gathering all the courage he could by pacing around his room, he quietly worded. "Pardon me, sir."

In his usual monotone superior voice, Ayato continued. "Am I right to assume you're done with your chores?" The sound of the wind was heard briefly heard blow past the speakerphone, making the housekeeper create an image of where Ayato could be at this moment.

"That is correct, sir" He replied while fidgeting with a button on his shirt. It was loose and very easy to slip around against its fabric.

"I will be returning to the estate in approximately an hour." To which the housekeeper darted his eye at the window. "I need my office dusted, open the windows for fresh air, and sweep the pathway view." Thoma's head started to get dizzy. Just imagine the speed he had to work to make it under an hour. "...Finally, a beverage of sorts would be ideal"

That made him stop. He tilted his head into the phone. "A... Beverage sir?" Not that a drink is an odd request, just thinking of what a commissioner of Ayatos status would enjoy. An alcoholic shot? Something warm? Cold?

A snarky chuckle was heard on the other side of the line. "I do hope you are fully capable of doing so." However, Thoma was stuck ripping his hair out of his skull thinking about what kind of beverage his boss would like.

"Not a problem, sir" He worded, then proceeded to punch the air to punish his stupidity. Is it that hard to ask? However, an immediate delightful was heard on the other line,

The orders were crystal clear. And frankly, Thoma was ready to simply end the call right then and there to free himself from the anxiety of talking with the commissioner. But while his eyes wandered mindlessly, he remembered the note. More specifically, the two green pills you'd have mild discomfort swallowing, placed on his nightstand. "Ah sir, may I have a word?" He impulsively mumbled.

The commissioner's voice didn't shift. "What might it be?" He questioned, unmoving and unchanging, without a glimpse of hesitation.

The blonde staggered, now with Ayato's unbroken attention on his own words, and an uncomfortable cold feeling of anxiety coursed through his veins. "Thank you..." He swallowed. "...For the, uh, medication."

"It was mandatory. I also advise you to not push yourself to the edge like that." Even though the gesture was meant to be a sincere warning, Thoma couldn't help but feel like it was a scolding. Even though most of what happened the day before was out of his control.

He bottled up his pride. "R-right... I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry" Apologizing was the first thing Thoma could think of, even though it seemed unfair on his side. Why should he be sorry?

"No need. Would that be all?" Like a robot designed to answer calls on a day-to-day basis, Ayato asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Off you go, then" The commissioner pulled the phone away from his ear, leaving Thoma to end the call on his own. Now that that was over, Ayato raised his eyes back at the guuji Yae of the grand Narukami shrine, looking down at him with a devious smirk on her face.

"My my~" She cooed in a tone she usually possessed. "I haven't seen the commissioner with such an expression before." It was her specialty to pick on the smallest of things as if hoarding reasons to poke fun at everyone.

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