(12) The Lingering Taste of Comfort

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10:34  AM

"So you got shot in the leg, then started dating my brother?" Ayaka worded out after blowing on the piping hot cup of tea being held up delicately by her fingers.

Thoma, kneeling across the chabudai from her, awkwardly averted his eyes. "You're making it sound worse than it is." He scratched the side of his cheek, his lips contorted into a clumsy grin.

The mistress chuckled, gently placing down the cup. "Not my intention, but it is the truth." She smiled.

It's been barely a week ever since the incident on Yashiori Island. A grueling six whole days full of nothing but paperwork and legal affairs, spanning from transporting the cargo safely to the shogun and filling several reports about the culprits and their intentions. Despite the passionate exchange Thoma had with the commissioner and the sweet words they uttered in each other's arms, these six dawns were less than ideal. The day all treasure hoarders were locked up, Ayato made out of his way to ensure Thomas's complete comfort, to the point where he'd loudly offer to carry him in his arms.

"It's my duty." He'd say with a smirk, but the whole island could only sneer at his lame excuses. There was no denying that a connection between them sparked that day, no matter how much Thoma tried to laugh it off as a friendly gesture. However, that day and that trip back to the estate was the final chance they'd have to talk for a long time. The moment they stepped into the walls of the estate, they were whisked away by their respected duties, Thoma getting immediately professional medical attention and Ayato swarmed with orders from the Kujou clan to document his mission appropriately.

After barely a day of ensuring that his injury was far from fatal, he was granted an honorary two weeks off, which was primarily encouraged by Kamisato Ayaka. To be completely fair, it was a heroic deed of pure selflessness, one which was highly respected by many officials. Even Kujou Sara, when visiting the Kamisato estate, gave him a stern nod of approval, albeit a terrifying one.

But that's as far as Thoma could talk with Ayato. The man has been all around, going to meetings and arrangements, never with a single chance to spend even a minute with him. The best they've had was a greeting in the morning or a good wish for the night. It felt like a wall they'd taught each other to bring down was built back up again, now without either of them having the power to stop it.

The blonde whimpered, bringing his hand up to rest his head onto. "This is torture. I'm left with nothing to do on account of my injury." He used his finger to draw circles on the tabletop, the fine china cup of tea next to him being untouched. Though his wound was healed, every now and then he'd have a visible limp, hence why an extra week was granted to him.

Ayaka puckered her lips to blow on the beverage. "I'd take it as a compliment, you've earned time to relax." The early morning sun shined ever so delicately on her, illuminating her silver hair, like crystal white snow.

Thoma scoffed, hesitating to even come near his cup of tea. "It was impulsive." He mumbled, his voice embarrassed to even admit he instinctively jumped in front.

"But brave." Ayaka assured him. "Not everyone would be willing to take a bullet for someone." She spoke genuinely admiring him, amused, like she'd do the same thing for her brother. Before Thoma could nod his head in understanding, she continued. "Nonetheless, I'm glad to finally see you're done moping over my brother like a gawking hawk."

It felt like a punch in the head. "W-what?" Thoma stuttered, feeling his face heat up from the statement which was so effortlessly smacked in front of him. 

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