(3) The Fisherman, The Bait and The One in Between

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quick public, yet to be cleaned
・゚ ★ 。 ・: *.
: ・゚ ☆

"I'm on my way. If you can, inform mister Ayato that I'll be there in ten minutes" Thoma quickly uttered into his speakerphone, as the text-to-speech caught on and laid out a simple message. Carelessly, he sent it and stuffed his phone into the pocket of his red jacket.

Inazuma city streets were silent as if they all chose to stop breathing and slowly wither into the evening's darkness. Surrounded by nothing but the warm street lights, the alleyways were overflown by Thomas's heavy breathing and frequent footsteps.

Emergency? What could possibly be so urgent at this late hour? He whined in his thoughts, each and every single possible scenario swirling in his head like a storm. As he came closer to the estate, he took a deep breath to try and collect himself at least a little bit. With his chest going up and down, he made a brief stop right next to the estate's gates.

His vision became blurry, he took deep breaths, his voice hoarse and tired with each exhale. Feeling the gate's strong wood, he held his body up as his legs started to give in. No. I didn't run long, I can't stop now. He shook his head, leading his eyes up toward a light in front of him. The mansions doors were open, and there a familiar silhouette was standing.

"Thoma?" It called out, its voice sounding sweet as if a gentle caress against his ears. He couldn't utter a reply. "Are you okay?" It called again, the tone of it remaining sweet. Only a moment later, feeling a metallic taste in his mouth, could he grasp the reality of a gentle hand placed on his shoulder. You couldn't mistake it for anyone, only Ayaka could possess hands as smooth as silk.

"I'm fine! I'm good." Thoma stood up straight, puffing his chest while still catching each and every single breath to not faint. His head was dizzy, to the point where Ayakas concerned face seemed to distort in the dim-lit darkness. "The distance was bigger than I remember haha" He tried to ease the tense atmosphere.

"Thoma you got here in five minutes, are you sure you're okay?" She placed her delicate fingers on his forehead, gently brushing the sweat off of it. It seemed to burn into her slightly cold hands, her concern growing with each sharp exhale Thoma let out.

But his eyes were locked on a different objection. He was called to Ayatos office and his final destination was only a few feet away. He released his hand away from the estate's gates, making his way into the building, much to the disapproval from Ayaka. "Don't push yourself, you still have a few minutes to rest!" She tried to call out, but her concern was immediately blocked by Thomas's warm smile.

"I can't disappoint the master now, can I?" He said in the most helpful voice he could force, but he couldn't hide the cracks beneath his expression. However, instead of lingering around to allow Ayaka to observe his façade, he turned away, stepping through the doorsteps of the mansion and down the hall.

With the cicadas filling the empty void of the silence where Ayaka was left, she pressed her hand, still having Thomas wiped off sweat particles on it, against her chest. "... Did you pursue him already?.." She uttered.

... .. .
.. ... .. . .

Thoma didn't waste a single moment standing in front of the commissioner's door. He knocked, despite hearing two unfamiliar voices overlap each other in the room. Neither of them sounded like Ayatos, leaving him to wonder if he was even in his office. Two voices silenced at his knock. "You may enter." He heard the master's voice, so he opened up the door. Inside the room, to no surprise, there were a couple of people standing in front of the office's table, with Ayato, his arms crossed, sitting with a stern, pissed-off look on his face.

Who Are You, Really? || Thoma x Ayato|| × Modern AU ×Where stories live. Discover now