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Why do I have to host a CountryHumans meeting again? Russia thought as he took another swig of vodka. He scanned the large room to see who all had arrived.

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, his fourteen siblings, were there. They always managed to be near him in some ways.

Britain and France were there, sitting quietly.

Germany was there writing in his notebook jam-packed with random notes.

The Nords were there. Finland, being the introvert of the group, sat away from everyone, and next to Estonia.

America was there, yelling at Texas and Florida, two of his states that had followed him.

Canada was there, apologizing to Ireland after she accidentally stepped in his foot. She towered over Ireland, having to bend down to look at him face-to-face. In fact, she towered over everyone except Russia.

Australia was there, being yelled at by New Zealand for trying to sneak his pet tarantula in the building.

Poland was there, huddled in a corner hugging his knees, pretty much scared of everyone.

Brazil was there, jamming out to samba music through their AirPods.

China was there, wearing a mask, seated away from everyone.

Japan was there, her Neko ears perked up excitedly, her tail twitching.

Spain and Italy were there, as well as Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, Egypt, Algeria, India, Mongolia, the Korea brothers, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and countless others. After about five minutes, the entire room was filled with CountryHumans. It was a blessing the Empire State Building had a room big enough to hold everyone.

Russia finished his bottle of vodka and pulled out the sixth one he had in stock. He took another big swig, then spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Alright, before we start, is everyone here?" he asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Good," Russia said. He clapped his hands together. "Now, where do we start?"

Before anyone could answer, something crashed through the window. When the dust settled, the shape of a person could be seen. The person was dressed in all black, showing no skin or face. He was completely unrecognizable.

"Who are you?" Russia demanded. The figure, later dubbed as No-Man, didn't reply, instead taking out a small object from his pocket.

"What the-" Russia started, but was cut short from the room being filled with electricity. The object had been a powerful taser, knocking everyone unconscious. Everyone, that is, except for Russia.

He laid on the floor, weak, but still was able to stand up shakily. He looked around, only to see all of the remaining bottles in his vodka stash broken. "Блядь," Russia muttered angrily.

He approached No-Man, ready to fight  him. "You chose the wrong Country," he said. No-Man said nothing, cracking his knuckles. Russia could see that No-Man was much taller than him, a very rare occurrence.

Russia ran towards No-Man, punched him in the gut, then drop-kicked him. No-Man tripped, clutching his stomach. He stood up, and ran full-speed into Russia, causing him to fly backwards against a wall. Russia stood up again, more shakily this time, and No-Man ran towards him again. This time, Russia avoided his powerful blow, and uppercutted him. No-Man growled, and set off the taser again. Russia fell to the floor with no more strength left in him.

No-Man grabbed him by an arm, and dragged him towards the broken window.

"I have to give those moves some credit, my friend," No-Man said to Russia before dropping him out the window.

Then, almost as soon as No-Man had come, he disappeared.

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