Calm Down!

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Italy was sitting in a chair, sipping on iced tea. His left arm was in a sling with layers of bandages. Everyone was baffled at how No-Man had attacked them twice, climbing up a seventy-story building and a three-story hospital to hit the windows with enough force to make them shatter, only to disappear after the attack.

Two nurses came into the room. Russia groaned. "Do we really have to do this?" he asked.

One nurse, Rina, replied, "We're sorry, Russia but, yes, we have to do this."

Russia sighed. "Just please make it quick."

"We'll try," the other nurse, Natalia, replied.

It was time to change Russia's bandages. He did not enjoy it one bit. Even though he had only done it once before, it had left a bad taste in his mouth. It was painful and took forever.

The others watched as Rina and Natalia carefully removed each bandage, then disposed of them. This wasn't the completely painful part, only some slight discomfort. Then, Rina and Natalia pulled out a roll of gauze and Russia shut his eyes. Putting the bandages on was the painful part.

Canada could tell that Russia didn't like this process, so she walked over to the side of his bed and held his hand. He gripped it tightly.

For the first time since the accident, Canada could see his wounds. They were big, ugly scars and scrapes running up and down his chest. There were large, purple bruises everywhere, especially on his head. Canada gasped softly.

"I know, it's bad," Russia muttered.

"It's not... bad, it's just shocking," Canada replied,burying not to hurt Russia's feelings.

"Well, you're not going to have to see that for much longer," Rina said, cutting a long strip of gauze.

Russia squeezed his eyes shut and gripped Canada's hand so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. As Rina and Natalia continues to wrap the gauze around him, Russia quietly whimpered in pain.

After a bit, Russia asked, "Are you done?"

"Almost," Natalia replied. "We've gotten to your bad spot."

Russia groaned loudly. His bad spot was where he broke his ribs. They prevented him from doing practically anything and they hurt him very much.

As Rina and Natalia were wrapping the gauze, Rina accidentally poked it a little too hard. Canada could see that Russia was trying not to scream.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry Russia!" Rina apologized. "I didn't-"

"F*** YOU!!" Russia bellowed. He swatted Rina with his free arm, unfortunately causing his ribs to hurt even more. "F***!"

"Russia, please stay still!"




Natalia and Rina exchanged worried glances and nodded. Natalia hurried out of the room, and returned with a needle. She injected it into Russia's arm.

"DON'T F***ING TOUCH ME!" Russia screamed. He continued to scream, but his voice started to become quiet and slurred. "Don't... f***ing... touch... me..." Soon, he was out cold, his limp hand still grasped onto Canada's.

Canada was shocked. "What did you do?" she asked worriedly.

"Sedative," Natalia simply replied.

Canada looked at Russia, who was now unnaturally calm and still. However, she continued to hold his hand and hoped that she didn't have to let go.

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