He's Gone

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It was a brutal battle. The Axis Powers against the world. Both teams had a world superpower; the Axis Powers had Soviet and the world had America.

Russia was holding back Imperial from slicing him to bits with her katana. He pushed down one more time and the sword slipped from her hands. She gave a look of alarm and he kicked her to the floor. He smiled in satisfaction. Then the sound of a gunshot rang through the room. Russia's eyes went wide and he collapsed on the ground.

"Russia!" Canada cried, running over to her injured love. She gasped as blood seeped out if his back and chest, staining his striped blue shirt.

"I've been hit," he rasped.

Everyone turned to see Reich holding a smoking gun. He was smiling evilly, revealing his pointed teeth.

Soviet had seen what happened. When she saw that her son had been shot by her partner, something in her snapped. It broke hold of Reich's mind-controlling machine and she was free of its grasp. She glowered at Reich and pulled out her own gun. This wasn't a little revolver or even a pistol; it was her prized AK-47. She aimed it at the back of his head and let loose. Everyone stared as Soviet pummeled Reich with bullets. Her rage had reached its peak. All the hate she had ever felt towards the man was all let loose in that one moment.

Reich fell to the ground, his insides ripped to shreds by bullets. Soviet stopped and walked towards him. Her face was formed in an angry scowl. She looked down upon his bleeding, lead-filled body, and spit on his face.

"You hurt my son," she said. "You paid the price." She grabbed his pistol, which was still in his hand, and shot his head. His corpse crumbled into ashes. The ashes scattered across the room until they were gone.

Imperial and Kingdom, no longer under Reich's mind-control, hurried next to Soviet to see if he was really gone.

"Is he... dead?" asked Kingdom.

"Dead as he'll ever be," Soviet replied.

She looked over to the crowd of shocked Countries and saw Russia and Canada. She hurried to Russia's side and kneeled down to see the damage. Canada was desperately trying to stop the bleeding, trying to keep him alive. She was crying. She couldn't keep these tears in.

"Russia, Russia," she whispered, " Look at me." She held his limp, barely breathing body and held it tight. "I love you with all my heart and I always have ever since that day when you attended your first World Meeting. I thought you were the most handsome man I had ever seen. I've been too nervous to admit it until now. I truly do love you, forever and always."

Russia lifted his head and looked into Canada's eyes. "I... I love you, too," he said weakly. "You're so beautiful and kind and caring. I haven't had the courage to tell you. But I do love you, forever and always or whatever you said."

Canada smiled through her tears and Russia smiled back. He put his hand to her cheek and they leaned together. Then, Russia's hand dropped and his body went limp in Canada's arms.

"Russia? Russia!" She held him close to her and sobbed more. Soviet but her hand to son's heart and tears formed in her eyes for the first time in her life.

"He's... gone." She wiped her eyes and Canada handed Russia to her. Soviet held her son in her arms and the two women cries together. The CountryHumans lowered their heads and everyone shed a tear if grief for their fallen friend. They had loved him and he had loved him back.

But now, Russia was dead and gone forever.

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