Just Friends

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Canada was the first to stir. She sat up and shook her head. Her raccoon hat was still sizzling a little. She looked around the room. Everyone was lying on the ground, alive, but unconscious. She looked around for No-Man. He was nowhere to be seen. Neither was Russia.

Canada became worried, and shook everyone awake. "Yo, I was trying to sleep," America complained.

"Is Russia here?" she asked worriedly.

Nobody made a peep. Belarus and Kazakhstan stood up and began to call his name. Soon, everyone was calling his name.

"I think I found him!" America called after a bit. He was standing by the broken window where No-Man had broken in. Everyone rushed over and gasped.

Russia was lying on the pavement tens of stories below. His impact had left a small crater in the sidewalk. Everyone hurried in a blur of worried voices down the many flights of stairs to ground level, and hurried outside.

Several police officers and paramedics were crowded around Russia. With much effort, and with America screaming for them to be let through, the CountryHumans pushed their way through the crowd to get a good look at Russia.

His jacket was gone, lost in the ordeal, and his shirt was ripped in many places. His albino hair was matted with dust and dirt. His ushanka had somehow remained on his head, and only had a small rip.

France, either out of motherly instinct or common sense, kneeled down, and held up Russia's head. She held his wrist as she felt for a pulse. She was silent, concentrating. She sighed after a while. "He's alive, but very weak," were her only comments.

"We need to get him back to his own country so he can heal," America said. "I'll take him in my private jet. Who's coming with me?"

Germany, Japan, China, Britain, France, Canada, Spain, Poland, Italy, Brazil, and all of Russia's siblings raised their hands, some more hesitant than others.

"OK, come on, let's go!" America said, signaling for them to follow him. Canada offered to carry Russia. She found it a bit difficult, but luckily, being the second largest Country, she was able to pick him up, and that was what mattered.

As the group made their way to America's jet, Kazakhstan hovered over Canada, wanting to see how bad of a condition his brother was in. Belarus slowed down to look at him as well, followed by Turkmenistan. Soon, all of Russia's brothers and sisters were crowded around Canada, looking at his poor condition.

Belarus began to cry. Even a few tears ran down Ukraine's face, something that rarely happened. Ukraine didn't cry, especially over Russia. Canada was on the verge of crying, but held the tears in.

Canada had grown close to Russia over the years. They had always qualified themselves as "good friends", but Canada knew that wasn't entirely true.

Japan, who was walking behind Canada, could see that Canada was trying not to cry. "You like him, don't you?" she asked.

"What? No!" Canada spluttered, "I don't like him, he's just a really good friend."

"Sure..." Japan said playfully. "Just friends..."

Canada sighed. Japan was always the first one to crack a secret. And Canada had a feeling that it wouldn't take much for Japan to spill the beans.

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