Chapter 2 Careless Bussiness trip

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When I woke up this morning I didn't see the text message from Jonathan. It was pretty disappointing because I dreamt about it. Ughh why did Emma have-
"Open up!! Hurry!" Screamed Georgia outside my door.
What do you want?
"You got a text message from a freshman aye?" She asked
What? How do you know
"I have your phone. last night I came in here when you were asleep because I had a bad dream But, I can't believe you forgot that our iPod cases are identical"
Omg Georgia! Give me that. where's the message uh. here found it.
"Hey Nevada its Jonathan I saw u on Friday in the gym at school I thought you were cute and I wanted to chill with you so hmu 😉"
"Guys come downstairs and say goodbye to daddy" mom said
Wait wat?

"Hey girls come here" my dad said
"Dad where you going" Georgia asked
But, I knew she was acting dumb (hopefully) because last night mom and dad were talking about a business trip that my dad was going to
"I have to go on this business trip baby. Its in California I'll be back in 5 day's but, don't worry I'll bring back souvenirs okay?" Dad said
"Okay" Georgia and I replied
He gave us 50 bucks each and gave us hugs and kisses. He also gave my mom a little something something if you know what I mean.

2 days later
My mom and little sister went shopping so that meant I could stay home alone. I called up all my girls on three way. The Bella Twins ( Chelsea and Bridget ) Emma, and Beckner was at Emma's house.
"So did he text you?" Emma asked
"What did he say?" Chelsea asked
Nothing really. just that I'm cute and he wants to chill with me.
"Ahhhhh" they all screamed
"I'm so proud. So does that mean you guys are a thing now" Bridget asked
"No stupid. they're starting off as friends right" Beckner said in a concerned voice. Beckner was a freshman also, so she really knew Jonathan.
Actually guys I didn't even respond to him. I don't really like him that much-
Someone gasped
"You said he was cute" Emma said
Yeah but that's really it-
I heard a car door
Guys I got to go my mom is back. See you guys at school tomorrow. Bye

Hey mom
"MOVE" Georgia said pushing me to the side
What are you doing?
"Dad said he could Skype us today" said Georgia
"Are you sure? It's getting late and you guys have school tomorrow" my mom said
"Plzzzz mom" my sister and I both pleaded
"Okay but, take it up stairs to your rooms would ya" mom said

Hey daddy
"Hey baby girl how you guys doing?" Dad asked
"We're good" Georgia replied
We talked to dad for 3 hours. He told us about the hotel, the music, the food, and the fat lady singing in the elevator. Everything. When dad said goodbye their were many people in his hotel room. I waited for him to end the video call but he never did...
I sat there for 30 minutes while Georgia was sleeping on my lap. I plugged in the ear phones so mom couldn't here the noise that dad was making. It was 12:45am and dad still hasn't ended the call. as if he forgot I was on. Their were people drinking and dancing and socializing in his room. I saw dad dancing with this girl that looked like she was my age but, a little older. I was so so surprised and disturbed by what my dad was saying and doing. He was drunk an-
"Nevada?" My mom said, she came in my room out of nowhere.
I shut the laptop real quick
"What are you doing still up hunny?" Mom asked
Huh. oh nothing. I tried to make my voice sound like I was asleep the whole time.

When my mom left my room I brought Georgia to her own room.
Before I went to bed I marked on my wall 5-24-10. The day my father cheated...

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