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After taking a deep breath I walk back to living room to see Chris looking at my vinyl records and holding my favorite one from my favorite movie Dirty Dancing

Celina- you can put that on if you'll like? ( Chris jumped a little making me giggle ) you seem very jumpy tonight are you okay?

Chris- yes I'm fine it's just you are very light on your feet

I had to be Jackson was very particular how he wanted things especially when he would say I would make to much noise so I learned very quickly it helped sometimes but most of the time he thought I was making plans to leave but he know I was to scared to leave with all his threats I just couldn't do it
I look at Chris I give him a nervous laugh

Celina- ha yeah I am sorry about that here is your beer sir

Chris- why thank you very much my lady so dinner can I help ?

Celina- no you are a guest please just make yourself comfortable

Chris- no I insist if my mother knew I didn't help she will never let me hear the end of it

Celina- fine you can help set the table

Once we were back in the kitchen I bought out the plates and silverware for Chris to set up for me I had everything ready to cook before hand so I had to get everything together I started with boiling the water for the spaghetti. While the water is heating up I get started with the ground meat well the meat was cooking I got out my seasonings (yes season your meat people) and the sauce as well I was wrapped up with the food I didn't hear Chris enter the kitchen 
Chris was watching me element I would get so lost with cooking it helped me relax something I had control over. I finally turn towards the entryway of the kitchen I jump a little and put my hand over my chest when I see him

Celina- Oh my goodness! Jezz

Chris- Now who is the jumpy one

Celina- haha oh I'll get you for that wow no one has really snuck up on me in a long time

Chris- really? Hmm maybe I should do it more often

Celina- Yeah no thank you

Chris- were really in the zone and plus it smells amazing buy the way

Celina- thanks and yeah home made sofrito makes all the difference my mom taught me how to make it from scratch

Chris- so are your mom and you close?  I ask because I never hear you talk about your family

I pause for minute I was taking aback  from his question I haven't spoken to my family in year's I shake my head and he looks at me with sadness in his eye's

Celina- not recently no but before yeah we were really close well my parents and me but my brothers we were never really that close they didn't want their own little sister damp their style 

Chris- well I'm sorry you're not close anymore but hey maybe one day  you guy's might get back to that

Celina- yeah maybe we could

I zoned out a little I do miss my family but with everything that happened I don't think they would be happy to see me it was a big fight we had before the abuse started my parents were trying too tell me that Jackson wasn't a good guy for me but I didn't want to listen and if I wasn't so stubborn things would have been completely different not wanting to talk about my family I switched and asked Chris about his

Celina- how about yourself ? Are you close with your family?

Chris- yeah we are really close and definitely got close when my dad died on the job at first my mom wasn't happy that I got into this line of work eventually she came around after she saw how dedicated I was but yeah my siblings and me are all really close I have two sister and two brothers and before you ask yes I am the youngest

We kept on talking while I was finishing up the food we got back to our comfortable flow with each other like how we are when we're at the diner once dinner was served I was looking at Chris waiting for his reaction for the food I'm a good cook but when you feed someone else that is whole different thing you want you're food to be the best

Celina- so... how is it?

Chris- well I have to's amazing I just can't get enough like wow Celina you are an amazing cook

Celina-thanks I do try

I don't know in that moment we locked eyes my feelings changed for Chris and this feeling is different from how I felt for Jackson first time I meet him with Chris I feel safe and okay to be myself and that scared the shit out of me I haven't been with anyone for two years isn't it to soon? I'm definitely going to talk to Hope about this I know she will definitely help me with these new feelings stirring up inside
we continued eating and once we were all done Chris help with dishes after that I walked him to the door and we were saying our goodbyes

Chris- I really did have a great time thank you for having me over

Celina- me too and no problem it was definitely a thank you as well for walking me home

We both stared at each other until I heard my neighbor's door open

Celina- well I see you around then

Chris- yeah definitely goodnight Celina

Celina- goodnight Chris

Once I closed the door I double checked everything was off  and door and windows were all locked I went and got ready for bed
I drifted off peacefully with the only smile on my face maybe everything was coming around full circle in my life finally all I knew as long as had Chris in my life I was going to be more then ok

Sorry for the long waiting I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote have a nice day 😊

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