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Millington lead me to a door, gesturing me to go in first. I went inside and looked around. It was a laboratory. The room was full of scientists and sciency stuff. Millington smiled at me and touched my bare shoulder. I glared at him. He smiled guiltily. "Like it? We will show you that later. First though, you must see Lilath." I brush his hand of my shoulder and look at him as if to say, 'Well? Are you going to bring me to her, or not?' As if hearing my thoughts, he suddenly walks in front of me to a table where a lady wearing goggles, and a scientist suit, examining a small bottle with a magnifiying glass is. I walk after him and stop at the woman. I wait for her to say something, but she keeps examining the bottle. Millington clears his throat.
The lady looks up. Her eyes widen. "Oh!" "Mr.President, I am so sorry." "Please do not refer to me as the president of the united states." Millington says. The lady nods, but takes off her suit and goggles, revealing a long violet dress with a golden trim and sad blue eyes. Millington nods at her, then turns to me. "This is Lady Lilath." I snort. "Who is she, your wife?" Lilath blushes deeply, but Millington just smiles. "No...she is simply a servant of mine." Lilath goes over and puts her hand on his shoulder seductively. Its like she's a another person. From that shy scientist, to a sedectress. I back away slowly. I don't want to get into this.
Millington shrugs her off, and I can see her wince. "We need to test her, Lilian. Would you mind watching her while I get.....'it' ready?" Lilath walks over to him and rubs his shoulder. Um.... He lets her. She stops, and smiles at him sadly. "Alright. But only for you." Ookay.....Millington walks away silently. Lilath focuses her deep blue eyes on me. "You better do as he says, little one. You never know what can happen." And with that, she turns and focuses on her bottle once more. I decide to have some fun and find out what she was talking about. While she's distracted, I close my eyes and picture Lilath. Immediately a portrait of her and her information pops up. The first thing I see is Warning: Do not mess with this person. In bold, red colors. I look into that and find that.......She hunts down people with powers like mine, and kills them! She wants to exterminate all of them! Wait....there are more? Other than me....there are people that have powers????? Ohhhh crap. She'll kill us all. I have to get out of here. Now.

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