The New Class

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||Varay Aurae||

"Are you excited about the new class?" I heard a student whisper to his seatmate.

"The team-fighting mechanics one?"

"Yeah, that one." He replied.

"Is there something you two would like to share with the whole class?" The professor asked causing the two to freeze in place.

"...Exactly," She spoke in a firm voice, before she could say another word a knock on the wooden frame in the classroom's entrance caught the attention of the entire class.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this class professor Drysdale, but I need one of the students here, urgent matters," Bairon announced, eyeing the entire class before shifting his gaze to mine.

"Very well, sir Wykes. miss Aurae, you are excused." She replied, prompting me to get up from my seat.

He escorted me out of the classroom and we walked the empty hallways with the faint sounds of professors discussing and spells whizzing resonating in the walls like they were muffles of noise. Accompanying the silence was the sound of our footsteps, despite pulling me out of class he never mentioned why he needed my help.

"I never expected the day that you would ever need my aid," I said in an amused tone.

He scoffed in response, his fingers combing his hair, "And yet here I am. As you said, I could always ask your help."

"If your pride doesn't get the best of you," I continued.

"That also," He admitted with a sigh as we turn the corner and approached the stairways. 

"So thunder lord, what kind of help do you need? Was the position of the president too much for you to handle?" I asked as we climbed up.

"Thunder lord...really?" Bairon deadpanned, his head turning towards me while he stopped.

"It has a nice ring to it does it not?" I teased as I passed him.

"It does not." He frowned.

"Yes it does," I pressed as I looked down at him.

"Would you appreciate me calling you snowflake, then?" He retorted maintaining his sharp gaze as he walked in front of me, turning another left corner.

"What am I, nine?"  I asked as I briskly jog to catch up.

"You act like one despite your 'cold demeanor'," He stated.

"I only act like this to the three of you, you know that,"

"Well we all have our masks to wear, don't we snowflake?" He chuckled in response before heaving open the doors to the student council's office. Fredrick was rummaging through a stack of papers but quickly shifted his attention as the door opened.

"Fuck you." I mouthed emphasizing the first word.

"Fuck you too." He whispered.

||Fredrick Schmitt||

"Good afternoon!" I waved to Varay who approached the desk.

"So what kind of consultation do you need? Bairon right here won't tell me." She pointed with her thumb.

"Well for starters there's the budget allotment. Though we do have a priority list with the greatest donators for the school funds we have 'some' extracurricular activities that we aren't too sure where to put." I briefed as I handed eight papers to her.

"I see..." She breathed out as she shuffled them all like cards, "I can at least commend you two for approaching me, but you could've asked the other members of the council, specifically the treasurer."

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