A Night of (Mis)Fortune II

142 6 1

||Varay Aurae||

Kaspian let out a hearty laugh while Bairon continued to sip on his glass of wine, slightly flustered and annoyed. Diane giggled at the same time. The mood was very light and carefree. I start to notice a couple of people wanting to introduce themselves to us, but my intimidating gaze keeps them at bay.

As they should.

"I find it ironic that 'Thunderlord' right here did that," Diane remarks, still giggling while she points at Bairon, "He must've embarrassed himself huh"

"Oh please, it was just a small thing, bitch boy right here's just exaggerating it," Biaron snarls back.

"Yeah, right, Diane, you should've seen the look on his face!"

"You're making it seem like I was the only one. Why don't you tell them what happened next, Kaspian?"

I can see in his eyes that Bairon was internally smug. Diane, eager for another story, turned her attention towards him.

"Very well, I'll her myself." He turns to Diane, who was eager for the story, "It was after our–"

"Ey, yatatatatatatat!" Kaspian hurriedly shushes him, placing his hand on his mouth. In response, a firm grip strangled Kaspian's arm and yanked it. Kaspian tried to pry himself out but to no avail, it was as if his arm was welded in iron. Bairon didn't even seem to struggle, not even augmenting himself with mana.

"As I was saying," Kaspian's face pales in color, there's no stopping what comes out of Bairon's mouth. Diane builds up her laugh, containing it just before her lips.

"If I recall correctly, a certain someone was caught in the act of groping Noah's crotch."

Instead of bursting out with laughter, Diane's eyes widened in intrigue. My mouth let out a faint chuckle before adding, "Well I'll be damned, I know you love Noah, but I didn't think you'd go that far to profess your love to him. Tell me, was it big?"

"No, no it wa—" He gets flustered as I tease him.

"Oh, so it was small, that's kind of brutal, coming from you." Diane wedged herself, providing Kaspian with another contender. 

"Now you guys are just ganging up on me, what the fuck did I even do?" He points to the three of us. With eyes half-pissed but at the same time can't bear himself to not laugh at the situation he's in. 

"You groped Noah's crotch, that's what." She responds without missing a beat.

The three of us let out chuckles while Kaspian lets out an aura in order to dissuade us but to no avail.

"It was an accident god dammit!" He tries to explain, but it was futile knowing that he can't sway Diane's perspective of the ordeal.

"Yeah, right, accident," Bairon returns with a sneer, followed by Diane who was holding her laughter, some chuckles leaking out of her mouth.

"Better watch out, Bairon. He might grab your crotch as well." Diane deviously warned with a smug plastered on her face, her right elbow nudging him by the side.

"Heh, if Kaspian was a woman and we were the last people in this world I'd rather marry a bear." He declared with a sneer.

"Eat shit and die."

"Eat my shit and die." They inch closer to each other with clenched fists and ground teeth.

"Alright, alright, knock it off." I stepped in the middle of both, parting them from each other, "Have some decency for fuck's sake, you're embarrassing us here with your antics, you two can make out once the party's done."

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