8. WHAAT!!?

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Agalya Bindhu:

My mom and my dad returned late after their so called stroll..

I was having a great happy sleep as I was dreaming about a particular person at that time...so when my dad tried to wake me up to give something I was reluctantly sleeping hugging the pillows.

Next day when I was awaken by my little cousin brother (13 years younger than me) shaking me up from my sleep
" Wake up! Wake up let's play wake up!"he screamed near my ears.
" Shut up! Adhi... , yesterday you were enjoying with your dear sisters right.. why are you asking me now!?" I shut him up getting irritated that he did not support me yesterday and he even teased me along with them.

" Bindhu.. go with him.. yesterday you slept early than us, everyone is tired after yesterday's shopping, your cousins left adhi here and went somewhere.." this time it was my mom scolding me from her sleep.

" Mom.. don't do this mom.. I am also tired" I pleaded her. "If you don't go now, he will pester me.. pls babe he is the only brother you have.. go and play with him" she convinced me,

She is right he is the only boy child in our family and everyone's favorite, I can't argue anymore...

I got up, freshened and went with him to the play area in the resort.

Third person's point of view:

Devansh came out of his room yawning.. he saw a group of girls coming from the entrance , he recognized them as the girls who pulled Agalya in the boat.

He thought he can meet her again if he followed those girls... 

He put his mask and glasses and followed them, they were chatting something and he overheard their convo.

Girl 1 with long braided hair: Anikha let's prank Agalya today, everyone will love it!!

Girl 2 with short brown hair : Sure Keerthi , ha ha ha everything is already set..!

Girl 3 with black curls: So What is the plan girls... Anikha seeing your smile it seems you have already prepared something

Girl 4 tallest girl : Ho... You don't know right Riya, We have brought paint balls..!!

Keerthi: Papa and Mama said we are going to the waterfalls at the hill top, like sanyuktha said we can use the paint balls we brought there...

Anikha : let's put it inside Agalya's dress while she enters the waterfall.

Keerthi: Can't wait to watch her reaction when everyone scolds her for making the waterfall dirty with colors.

Riya: but I don't understand one thing, why you guys don't like her.. is that because our parents hate her...

Devansh felt a foreign pain in his heart, he thought why should someone hate such a sweet girl like Agalya. He couldn't even understand  their vengeance towards her that they are making it miserable for her.

They continued...

Keerthi:  It's not that Riya... She.. she , that little brat , though she is younger than us..  she excels in everything she does.. 

Devansh ( in mind): Is it even a reason!!!

Sanyuktha: Our parents scold us and compare us saying that she is talented than us and after she joined the medical college with scholarship , my parents think totally low of me.. as I am still struggling to clear my papers..

Anikha : look at her arrogance she is not even crying nowadays, even if we tease her or avoid her...

Riya: you are right! But what if her parents scolds us today..

Keerthi: Don't worry about that...  yesterday Agalya's dad sprained his leg is what I heard, may be Aunt and uncle will stay in resort and rest.

Sanyuktha:  We can all delightfully watch her crying embarrassed form today without any disturbance..

Devansh stood there dumbstruck hearing their convo," how can someone hurt their own cousin like this" he thought and he wanted to confront them...

 He felt sorry for Agalya and wanted to inform her about this as soon as possible... Suddenly a small boy about 8 years old came running towards them.

Riya:  Adhi before you scold us for leaving you, we are sorry and have bought chocolates for you..

Keerthi:  Adhi why are you crying baby!!

Sanyuktha: What happened Adhi..?

Adhi : I pushed Agalya from the swing...

Keerthi: So what! is she hurt or what?!

Adhi : I got irritated when she didn't push my swing... fastly... and I told her to sit on the swing.. so that I can show her... But ..
I pushed her... instead of the swing... when she was tying her shoe lace.

Anikha and Riya started laughing and keerthi controlled them as she sensed something serious as her brother will not cry for small things like this..

Sanyuktha: Where is she now?

Adhi : I didn't do it wantedly... She is in the play area ... She is bleeding... Her head..

Devansh: WHAT!!?

Devansh without minding the bunch of real psychos he strides past them pushing them and rushed to the play area...

When he reached there he saw Agalya sitting in the sand crying with a bleeding head... ?

 Her head was covered with sand and blood... She had few scratches on her face too...
He grabbed her hand gently making her stand and pulled her to the first aid room, 

At first she got scared without recognizing Devansh in mask, later she was relieved to see his face while he lowered his mask to his neck .

He gently made her sit in the chair in first aid room.


For your increasing love for this book..! * Heh*


Love you more and more Sushant and readers..

Love you more and more Sushant and readers

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