When I saved the bad boy

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To all my new fans reading this story - this was written in 2013/2014  so if you are triggered by something I wrote mindlessly back then I apologize beforehand. I have no plans to edit this story, I might only take it down.

I wanted to leave it on wattpad for the sake of you guys seeing writers can improve and the writer me in 2013 is not the same as the writer I am today.

And my English improved.

Chapter 1

"Hell no. I would never ever want to kiss you."

"Are you sure?" His hands were on her waist as he pulled her so close she could feel his warm breath over her lips. He was so close.

"I...I...."She stuttered.

"But it seems like you do." His nose rubbed on hers. He lifted one hand and went over her mouth with his thumb.

"And I know you can't resist me, as much as I can't resist you." Before she could say anything his lips were on hers. She felt sparks, no! Not sparks, flames. She was in too deep she realized. He drove her over the edge and she was burning. His passionate kiss went stronger and even better. Suddenly his lips went down to her neck...

I can't read no more. I am going to die.

I closed the book and put it under my pillow. I hated my self for reading that sweet torturing book. Why was life not like In movies or books? The guy who would sweep you off your feet and will make you feel gorgeous and wanted and he will drive you over the edge. I closed my eyes and went under the covers. I tried to keep calm but I was always like this. I should have listened to my friend Angie when she said not to even touch the book but nooo. I had to do this to my self and read about love and passion.

I mean tell me is this fair? I'm seventeen and no boyfriend. And all of my friends are asking me why I keep on pushing guys away from me. It's not my fault that I am a little weird around the cute ones and don't go blaming me for saying no to the guys I knew what they only want. I don't want to be with somebody just so I can have a boyfriend. I want passion and sparks and I want to feel for once in my life like a heroine from a book.

I cursed my self for being like that but even If I try I can't change my feelings about it.

The next morning I woke up and got ready for school. I put on a simple white shirt and some jeans. I don't felt like dressing up fancy. Not that I ever do. And I let my hair down in my natural curls.

Angie, my best friend always say that I do look pretty and I should be a little more confident, not that I'm not, just I trust people easily and I often get hurt.

But I keep on blabbing and I keep talking to my self in my brain. I am already going crazy. Maybe they should lock me up in a mental hospital. Hey, maybe I'll find crazy love there.

Well I am apparently in a good mood this morning since my brain is considering a mental hospital.


I heard my mother yell from downstairs.

"Angie is here for you."

"I'll be right there mum." I grabbed my bag and put on my smile.

"Have a good day honey." She kissed me on my cheek.

"Bye mum."

I loved my mum. And my dad too. They are really cool. Both of them are really nice and believe in good faith in people. They pretty much believe every man has a humanity inside, even if its a little bit. I take after them. I do care a lot about people even thought I am not asked to care.

When I saved the bad boy (2016)Where stories live. Discover now