Chapter 27 ( Talking about kisses...)

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I know i know... I am late and I'm sorry. Please don't kill me. I will start working on the next update in five, four three :DD

I love you and enjoy.

(Angie’s p.o.v)

“You’re so hypnotising, could you be the devil could you be an angel…”
 I sang Katy Pery’s song as loud as I can while I tried to find something to wear. I could swear I left that skirt somewhere here. I pushed couple of clothes on the ground among the other million clothes that lied there.

“They say be afraid…You’re not like the others nanana lovers…”

 I practically went in the closet and walked out with many more clothes. How many do I have?

 “Kiss me, kiss me…fill me with your poison....wanna be your victim….you’re an alien…it’s super natural extrananna” I sang randomly as I looked for something sexy and in the same time sweet.

“Hey Angela would you be quiet for once?” My mother screamed louder then the music and walked in the room pushing the clothes aside.

“Is this a room or a stable? You clean this room right away Angela.”

“What?” I pretended I didn’t listen.

“I said you better clean your room young lady.”

“I can’t hear you...” I waved my hands towards my ear and kept on looking.

“Don’t play with me I am very mad at you…”

I turned my back and started humming the song. My mother is cool until she sees a mess. The woman freaks out if she even sees an empty milk carton in the fridge. I started dancing watching my mother growing angrier and angrier….I’ll keep doing this until she starts laughing. I grabbed the remote thingy and pressed Shakira’s song la tortura,.. I tossed the remote on the bed and shook my hips watching my mother pacing around but I could see a smirk.

“Live a little.”

“Clean your room first.”

I whipped my hair back and front and jumped on the bed laughing like a kid.

“Johnny is downstairs and I’m locking you in this room until you clean it.” She walked backwards and in the same moment I tossed my self on the bed grabbing the remote pressing stop and I yelled after my mother.

“Is he really downstairs?”

“Yes and I’ll tell him to leave because you are not going anywhere until you clean your room and you don’t listen so…”

I lifted my self up very slowly and tried not to make any sudden moves.

“I…will…clean it after I’m back..”

I got off the bed but she started closing the door and I instantly stopped.

“Okay…how about I clean one third of this room and the rest later?”

I saw that she was hesitating and made three steps forward.

“Half.” She smiled.

“No way. I am not cleaning half. It’s a mess in here. It will take forever.”

“Now it’s the whole room or nothing.”

“That’s not a fair deal.” I wined like a child and stomped my feet pouting my mouth.

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