Chapter 13 (Shh...There is something in the dark)

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I rushed downstairs grabbed one cookie and said bye to my mum and dad. I opened the door and I saw J.D. leaned on his silver beauty.

Three days ago he promised he will behave and he did. He took me to school everyday and he was very nice but I was glad he didn't change completely. He still charmed me and teased me. So for the last three days I wake up earlier just so I can spend 10 minutes choosing clothes and ten minutes for the make up. Today I was wearing a black dress with a denim jacket on top. I put an owl necklace and white diamond earrings. I left my hair curly because I didn't want to seem too much. Yeah like the black dress wasn't enough. I think my mum chocked from surprise even though I tried to run pass her.

As I walked over to his car he whistled.

"Are you doing this to tease me?" He asked.

"Does it say on my forehead?"

"No, but your legs are doing the talking. I'm afraid to leave you alone at school for one moment."

"Oh please don't flatter me."

"It's not flattering if it's the truth."

"Your vocabulary has a big number of compliments and nice words but you have to do more than that." I winked as I got into his car. To tell you the truth I felt more relaxed in a guys company after J.D has come into my life.

"I know that. Angie, Kayla, Johnny, Chris and you are reminding me everyday."


After we arrived in school I sensed people started to talk. I mean why wouldn't they. From the school's who is she to hello new J.D's best friend. I think they thought me and J.D were an item even though we didn't make out in school. I would do anything if those rumours were true but I wasn't going to let J.D off the hook so easily. Oh no. Payback is such a sweet pleasure.

"You're not planning on skipping classes are you?"

"No. Why would I?" I asked.

"Oh Nothing."

I looked at him suspiciously but got to class without interrogating him.

I sat the whole hour when I finally heard the bell ring and headed towards the locker. Angie was waiting for me to go to the next lesson together.

She still was mad at J.D but I know her. She likes everybody. She can't stay mad forever. And now that J.D knows she can hurt him he'll be careful. Angie a badass. Who knew?

"Did you hear we got a new kid in school? He's a transfer."

"Really? Did you see him?"

"No, but they're saying he is really cute. I can't wait to see who he is."

"You got a boyfriend."

"I'm just going to look and comment and drool." She winked. "No touching, but you got J.D too."

"Yeah but he's not my boyfriend. Yet."

"Oh really. So we are open to that option now?"

"Come on, you know I'm in love with him but no way I'm telling him. Let him torture him self a little more."

Suddenly the speakers in the classroom started making noise. Oh an announcement. I wonder what it is about now. New meal in the cafeteria another no smoking in the bathroom warning...Hm...

"Sugar I hope you are listening to this because I'm playing this song with dedication. I hope this will change your mind."

I recognize J.D's voice. What the fuck was he doing? Suddenly Blondie's song of one way or another started playing through the speakers.

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