41 2 76

Character you/reader pov

We walking across the grave and were very careful.


Or not.

I flinch away from the noise out of shock and the fact that it was way to loud for my comfort.

The explosion had came from the left of me.

Someone said to watch the fumes, the shit was flammable.

'No shit Sherlock'

Not long after the explosion the crawlers arrive having obviously heard it.

We ran and hid from them.

They walked around smelling for us, I was hidden next to Conrad behind giant a piece of bone.

A crawler puked between us and Mason and I saw a tag come out along with a skull.

I looked back at James, it looked like he had seen it to.

'He's dead' I thought to myself looking forward, that was a hell of a coincidence.

What are the chances we run into the exact crawler that ate him.

The crawlers leave and we slowly come out of our hiding places and move, now more careful them ever.

Hank and I draw our swords and walk carefully behind them.

Behind us the guy's flash of his camera malfunctions

And being loud, to loud for my taste.

The hairs on my neck stand and I stop walking.

I looks at around my eyes landing on the guy.

A crawler is heard close by.

He looks at us already knowing his fate, "Oh shit," and he gets eaten by a crawler, his flashing camera to.

Everyone turns around and people start shooting.

"Randa" shouts someone, so that's his name.

The crawler swallows him as the flash goes of showing it's progress.

"Set up the fifty" shouts Packard, as everyone stands guns ready.

Hank and I stand back to back, our swords drawn.

The Soldiers set up the gun and we all stay alert, trying to spot it through the mist.

The flash continues, giving us an advantage, and I keep in my wings not wanting to risk them getting bitten or ripped off.

The silence is to quiet, I can hear my breath, my heart beat and feel the adrenaline in my veins.

The fear in my stomach of facing one of these ever so present.

The flash shows up before us once.

Twice, we shift our stance to face it.

Then once again, "Death before dishonour" he says .. his quote and I grip the handle of my sword tightly.

A few seconds pass.

There it is.

We side step it out of it's line of attack and cut it's leg.

Everyone scatters and the crawler goes to the gun that started firing at it.

It knocks them over and grabs them with their tongue eating them.

It then goes after Mason and she runs away from it as people fire at it.

She makes it to some bones that resembled ribs and slides under them.

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