~Chapter 3~

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Tanjiro looked toward the sound. It came from the doorway to their left. Akari could hear loud footsteps from the hallway.

The door swung open. A boy of about 16 stood there, a panicked expression on his face. He had blonde hair with orange tips, and he wore a demon slayer uniform. A sword hung by his waist.

"TanjiroIwassoscaredInoskuesaidyouwerehurtandIwasscaredthat-" the boy stammered.

Tanjiro sighed. "I'm fine, Zenitsu. I just hit my head, that's all."

The boy, Zenitsu, continued to stammer, but suddenly stopped when he saw Akari staring at him with a shocked and disturbed expression. He blinked once.

"T-T-Tanjiro.........." Zenitsu lowered his head. His voice suddenly got a lot deeper.

"What is it?" Tanjiro said.

"....HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET SUCH A BEAUTIFUL GIRL TO COME WITH YOU?!?! SHE'S GORGEOUS!! HOW DID YOU DO IT?!?!" His voice went back up an octave and continued to rise.

As he continued to ramble, Akari continued to stare at Zenitsu. He wore a yellow and orange haori with little triangles on it.

I like that design, Akari thought. It's kinda cute.

She was jolted out of her thoughts when Zenitsu went to her bedside and got on his knees.


Akari blinked. Is this normal? I literally just met him and he's already asking my hand in marriage? What the hell is wrong with this b****h?

Akari opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, a knock on the door interrupted her.

The door opened. A young woman entered. She was beautiful, with deep purple eyes and a haori decorated like a butterfly's wings.

"Ah! Our patients are awake. How are you both feeling?" The woman said, with a smile on her face.

"I'm much better, thank you," said Tanjiro, matching the woman's smile.

The woman turned toward Akari. "And you?"

"Better, I guess, thanks," said Akari. "Also, who... are you, exactly?"

The woman laughed. "I am Shinobu Kocho, the insect hashira. You're in the sick bay in my house. Tanjiro brought you back from your little scuffle in the woods, I healed you up, and here you are. What is your name, child?"

"Akari Soto," said Akari.


"SHUT UP, ZENITSU!!" Yelled Tanjiro.

Shinobu chose to ignore them. "Your shoulder seems to be healing nicely. I'll be back in a minute with your's and tanjiro's medicine." She looked at Zenitsu. "You should take yours too, Mr. Agatsuma."

Zenitsu forgot all about Akari and started whining loudly about how his medicine tasted bad and that he did not want to take it.

Akari smirked. "So you'd rather have your arms be small forever? There's no chance of getting a girlfriend then. Your arms would be so small that you wouldn't be able to hold your sword, and they would think you're not worthy of protecting them."

Zenitsu considered this. Then he said, "I will take my medicine for you, Akari-chan. But ONLY FOR YOU!" His face morphed into a pout. "And I AM worthy of protecting you!!"

Tanjiro pointed to a spot on the floor. "Look, a spider~" he said calmly, his face expressionless.

Zenitsu froze. Then he screamed and jumped onto Akari's bed and curled into a ball at her feet. "AKARI-CHAN AKARI-CHAN SAVE ME PLEASE PROTECT ME FROM THE EVIL SPIDERRRRR!!"

Akari and Tanjiro burst out laughing. Shinobu giggled a little.

"What's so funny, Akari-chan?" asked Zenitsu, confused.

Akari reached over and patted his head. His hair was soft. "You. You're funny," she giggled.

Zenitsu's honey brown eyes lit up. "Really?" He smiled. "I HAVE ACHIEVED VICTORYYYY!!!"

He's.......... Honestly kinda cute........... Akari thought as Zenitsu continued to rant. Hmm.

-Word count: 630-

-Hey guys! This chapter was so long, sorry TvT. Just so you know, there is a chance that I might post chapter 4 today (maybe, maybe not, idk) but definitely not tomorrow, I have something to do at the time I usually post. If I don't post again today, then I will post chapter 4 or 5 on monday. I'm gonna take a short break this weekend to gather my thoughts lol.-

-Thanks so much for your patience, have an amazing day!!-

-(COMPLETED)- "Hey, I remember you..."  | A Zenitsu x OC fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now