~Chapter 5~

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Akari, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inoskue trained with the hashira a couple more times over the next few weeks. They got to meet all the hashira. Akari was pleased that most of them were very nice.

Finaly, Lady Shinobu decided that they were ready for our first mission together. She had gotten reoprts of a demon lurking in a small village a small distance away from the butterfly mansion, maybe 30 miles south. Lady Shinobu decided that it would be perfect for them to test their skills.

Akari packed a small knapsack with rations and medicine. She polished her sword and met her friends outside.

Inoskue looked normal, with his twin blades and boar mask. "AKARI! YOU'RE LATE!!" he yelled at her.

"SHUT YOUR FACE, INOSKUE!!" yelled Zenitsu. He ran up to Akari. "Haiiii, Akari-chan!! I'm so glad you're here!!"

Tanjiro rolled his eyes and laughed. "Honestly, what are we going to do with you guys?"

Lady Shinobu cleared her throat. "I'm so sorry to inturupt, but are you sure you have everything? You won't reach the village until the day after tomorrow, and if you forget something, there's no going back."

Akari nodded. "I brought extra food and stuff. I think we'll do okay."

Lady Shinobu smiled. "I'm so glad. Boys, do you know how lucky you all are to know someone as responsible as Akari?"


Tanjito slamed his fist on Inoskue's head. "Quiet!"

Akari smiled. "I'll make sure they come back alive, don't worry."

Lady Shinobu smiled. "I'm glad I can rely on you. I wish you all good hunting. Good luck!"

She patted each of them on the head and ran off.

The team started off on their mission. They hadn't walked a mile before Zenitsu started to complain.


Akari sighed. "Zenitsu, we've not walked a god damn mile!! Can't you suck it up and deal with the fact that we have 30 miles more to walk?"

Zenitsu whined. "But AKARI-CHANNNNN-"

Akari took something out of her bag. "Will this help you to shut up?"

Zenitsu's eyes lit up. "Y-you brought that.....for me?"

Akari smiled. In her hands, she held a small cake decorated with a upside-down raspberry. "When I went with Lady Mitsuri to the love mansion the other day, she taught me how to make these. This was suppoused to be for after the mission, but since you won't shut your hole, I thought that it might make you be quiet." she handed him the cake.

Zenitsu was at a loss for words. No girl had ever given him anything before. The fact that this beautiful girl gave him a cake, that she made ESPECIALY FOR HIM, was beyond his imagination.

"Akari-chan, I-" he stopped. "T-thank you."

Akari smiled. "My pleasure. Now eat and shut your mouth." She ran to catch up with Tanjiro and Inoskue.

Zenitsu watched her run. He shoved the cake in his mouth and ran after.

He did not complain about the long walk again.


The team finaly reached a small clearing on a hill where they had a clear view of the village below. Tanjiro helped Akari build a fire while Inoskue and Zenitsu gathered sticks. They mannaged to make a large fire. Akari provided everyone with onigiri to eat, and it was yummy.

-(COMPLETED)- "Hey, I remember you..."  | A Zenitsu x OC fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now