~Chapter 4~

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Akari had decided that she liked it at the butterfly mansion. Everyone was nice to her, especialy Tanjiro and Zenitsu. Zenitsu would frequently stop by to talk to Akari about random things, and Tanjiro would listen paitently as Akari talked about her family. She would also take walks by herself around the courtyard of the mansion, admiring the plants natrual beauty.

During one of her chats with Tanjiro, they were inturupted by a knock on the door. Zenitsu had brought a friend with him: A boy named Inoskue, who's face was covered by a boar mask. Inoskue was loud and aggressive, but he made Akari laugh.

One day, maybe a week after her arival at the mansion, Lady Shinobu decided that it was time for Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Akari, and Inoskue to train with some of the hashiras.

I hope the other hashira are as nice as Lady Shinobu, thought Akari as she slipped on her freshly washed haori. It'd be a shame if the others were assholes. But let's hope the others took some cues from Lady Shinobu about manners.

Akari made her way to the main courtyard of the butterfly mansion. She saw that her friends were already there.

"Hey guys," she said as she walked up to them.

"Hii Akari-chan!! It's so good to see you!!" said Zenitsu bubbly.

"Hey, Akari," said Tanjiro. "You ready?"

"Yup!" she said, smiling. She pointed to 3 people walking toward the mansion, one of which was Lady Shinobu. "Here they come!!"

Lady Shinobu greeted them with a warm smile. "Hello, I'm so glad you've come. I'd like to intoduce you to my colleauges, Mitsuri Kanroji-" she gestured to a young woman on her left- "-and Muichiro Tokito." She gestured to a younger boy on her right.

The young woman, Lady Mitsuri, waved. "Ooh! You all look soo cute!!"

Akari studdied her. Her braided hair was pink with green tips. She wore a white haori and tall green socks. 

She seems nice enough, thought Akari. What about the other one?

Muichiro seemed to be about 14, with long, black to mint hair and baggy black clothes. He was staring at the sky, looking at the clouds.

"Tanjiro, Inoskue, you will be training with Muichiro. Zenitsu, Akari, you'll be training with Mitsuri. I'm sorry I can't train you myself. I have other matters to take care of. Please try your hardest, and good luck!!" said Lady Shinobu. She waved and ran off. 

Mitsuri, huh?  She seems nice, Akari thought. And plus, I get to train with one of my closest friends. So, it'll be fun!!

Zenitsu and Akari followed Lady Mitsuri into a different yard on the butterfly mansion's property. Lady Mitsuri turned towrd them.

"Okie, this is a training exercise I like to call Sword Style. Your job-" she patted the head of a dummy next to her, "-is to rip these up without cutting their head yet. You're gonna want to cut their weapons first, such as arms or legs, so they have less defence when you go in for the final blow." Akari and Zenitsu nodded. 

Lady Mitsuri backed up. "You guys are gonna do great!! Let's see what you've got!" she smiled.

Akari drew her sword. Zenitsu drew his. Akari suddenly leaped forward and started to slash the dummy in front. Zenitsu stared for a minute, then decided he should do the same. He walked over and started cutting up the dummy.

Zenitsu glanced at Akari. Her hair flew around her face as she aggressivly slashed at the dummy. Zenitsu found himself staring at her. Then he looked up to see if Lady Mitsuri noticed. She did.

She walked over and said, "Here, you adorable boy. Let me help you."

She moved his arms into a position to better hold his sword. 

Phew, Zenitsu thought to himself. At least she didn't see me looking at Akari-chan. I'll have to do better next time. I almost got caught!

"And, Zenitsu?" Lady Mitsuri wispered. "You've gotta be more discreet when you're checking out girls. You have to learn how to flirt. It's easy!!"

And.....she caught me. Huh, I can't run away from this one, can I? Thought Zenitsu.

He sighed. "B-b-but I don't know how!!" 

She patted him on the head and giggled. "Need some help?" She backed up and said, "Okie, children! I have decided that it's time for you to fight each other now!! With wooden swords of course, as to not hurt each other." She winked at Zenitsu. 

Lady Mitsuri handed them each a wooden sword. "The winner will get to visit the love mansion. Good luck!!" she sat on the porch and watched.

Akari stared at Zenitsu. She suddenly LeApEd forward in an attempt to catch Zenitsu off gaurd. The fight continues. (Sorry, I'm not good at writing fight scenes TvT)

Suddenly, Akari had Zenitsu pinned down. He could see every freckle on her nose. Her irises had small black specks in them. Her breath smelled of mint leaves. He felt a blush form on his cheeks. (Face cheeks, ya nasty dirty-minded perverts, not asscheeks -__-)

They locked eyes for a minute. Then she whispered, "Got you," and stood up. 

Zenitsu scrambled to his feet. Usally, girls would never want to go within 3 feet of him. But now, her face was 3 inches from his. He could not belive it. 

"Okie, my loves!! You're done for now. Akari, you can come with me to see the love mansion. Zenitsu, I belive that Shinobu is waiting for you inside. You guys did an amazing job today!" LadyMitsuri said, patting each of them on the head. 

Zenitsu was gathering his stuff when he heard Akari's voice behind him. "Um, Zenitsu? I... just wanted to say that... I think you did a great job today. It must be so cool to be able to thunder breathe. I wish I could do that." She smiled.

Zenitsu felt blush creeping up his face again. "U-U-Um, thanks. Y-You did good too."

Akari giggled and patted his head. "Thanks." She turned on her heel and walked away.

Zenitsu blinked. Then he slowly crumpled to the floor.

"UuuUUuuuGGGggggGgGgHHhhHHhhH, why am I so bad at thisssssss...." whined Zenitsu.

Lady Mitsuri laughed and patted his head. "Ahhhh, young love. SooOoOo cuteee!!!" She squealed. 

Zenitsu sighed. He would learn to flirt, he told himself. He would.

-Word count: 1028-

-Damn that chapter was a long one......-

-Woo!! Heye ya'll, I'm SOooOoO sorry, I told you guys that I would post yesterday and now here I am, I apologise, I was busy watching Entertainment District and simping lmao. I finished this alll before school and now I'm in a rush. I wrote the plot for chapter 5 at 3am last night so expect it to be out by tonight. Thank you guys so much for putting up with my craziness, and I hope I can give you guys a chapter 5 before the weekend.-

-Bai guys, love you so much!! <3-

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