~Chapter 6~

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It was bright daytime when Akari finaly awoke. She sat up and looked around. She saw Inoskue and Tanjiro packing up their makeshift camp.

Tanjiro saw her sitting up and smiled. "Good morning, Akari! I was just about to wake you. Did you sleep okay?"

Akari nodded. "Yeah, I slept great. You?"

Tanjiro nodded. "Same here. Uh, last night, you, uh-" he pointed to Zenitsu, still sleeping. "-you were busy last night, huh?" he smirked.

Akari looked down at her hand, which was still holding Zenitsu's hand. Her face turned red. "N-n-no, i-it's not like t-that! We w-were just-"

Tanjiro laughed. "I'm just kidding with you. Could you walk with him, actualy? We don't have to wake him up right away. Just drape his arm over your shoulder and he'll walk. It'll give us some peace and quiet," he joked.

Akari laughed. "Alright," she said. She draped Zenitsu's arm over her shoulder and stood up.

After about half an hour of walking down the hill where they camped, the team finaly made it to the village. The main road was bordered by shops and lights.

"We have some time before nightfall, why don't we do a bit of sightseeing before the demon has a chance to attack?" Tanjiro suggested.

"YEAH! I WANNA SEE THIS SWORD DISPLAY!!" yelled Inoskue. He ran toward a shop which had swords of all shapes and sizes decorating the walls.

Akari decided it wouldn't hurt if she looked at the sword display for a while, so she follows Inoskue and starts to look at the swords.

Suddenly, she felt Zenitsu's head lift up from its spot on her shoulder.

"HUH HOW DID I GET HERE WAS I KIDDNAPED?!" said Zenitsu, panic rising in his voice. Then he sees that his arm is draped over Akari's shoulder.

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh, why is my arm on her shoulder??? Did she put me like this? he thought.

"A-Akari-chan!! W-what are y-you doing? H-how did I get here?" Zenitsu stammered.

Akari laughed. "Calm down. We needed to get to the village, and we decided to let you sleep," she said. "And plus, sunset's not quite here yet, so Tanjiro suggested that we do a bit of sightseeing before we have to look for the demon."

Zenitsu exhaled with relief. "Oh thank God, I was worried that I'd been kiddnaped...."

Akari rolled her eyes. "You know as well as I do that I would never let you get kiddnaped."

"I know, but...."

Akari sighed. "Zenitsu, honestly. You're fine. Now, help me look at these swords. Do you like the silver one or the gold?"

(Timeskip to like 10 minutes after sunset, when demons just start coming out)

Akari sat on the roof of a building, listening to the quiet hum of people talking below. She gazed at the setting sun. The evening rays were warm on her face.

Hmm, just like old times, she thought.

Her thoughts were inturupted by a loud "OOF!" from behind her. She turned around to see Zenitsu, chest down, lying on the roof. He had attempted to jump up onto the roof, but had failed.

Zenitsu saw Akari looking at him. He stood up, brushed himself off, and said, "Can I sit with you?"

Akari smiled and nodded. She patted the roof next to her and he sat down.

They sat in silence for a minute. Then, Akari said, "Hey Zenitsu, I was wondering something."

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Last night, you said that you hoped your parents are proud of you, which I understand, but then you said that there's nothing for them to be proud of. What did you mean by that?"

Zenitsu stared at the people walking below. "I just meant that I doubt that I live up to anyone's expectations. When I'm instructed to fight and kill demons, I cower and hide instead. When people look at me, all they see is a weakling and a freak." He sighed. "I always doubt myself and wether or not it's really worth it."

Akari looked at the mountians in the distance. "When I look at you........." she began, studying her hand. "....I dont see any part of you that is weak. I don't see a coward. I see......." she stopped. She stared at Zenitsu.

"...I see a smart, caring, brave boy who loves his friends. I see a person. People get scared sometimes. The people who called you weak are wrong." Akari took his hand in hers.

Zenitsu gazed at her, eyes wide, his mouth slightly opened. No one had ever called him brave before, much less smart and caring. Did she really think this about him?

"I know what it's like to doubt yourself, your purpouse," she continued. "I went through that too. But you have to remember. Remember that you mean something. I know it's hard sometimes, but no matter how mean people get, no matter what they say, you have to keep going."

Akari laced her fingers between his. She met his honey eyes with her blue ones. "It's not a matter of wether you can do whatever it is you have to do or not. It's not a decision. You have to. You have to do it for the people you love. Because deep down inside, they know that you will do it if you try hard enough. And I think that you know it too."

Zenitsu was in complete shock. It was one thing to be called brave, but this.... this had never happened before. No one had ever told him that he was worth something. He felt a tear drift down his cheek.

Akari reached out and brushed the tear away with her hand. Zenitsu reached up and pressed her hand against his cheek. (Nooooo you dirty minded children, face cheeks. 😑)

Akari blinked. What the hell am I doing? What is my hand doing? Do I.......like Zenitsu? No!! I could never!! I'm just being a suppourtive friend, right? But then.....why is my hand doing that? What the hell? Maybe I do like him. And I'm pretty sure he likes me back.....

Akari slowly, very slowly, started to lean forward. Zenitsu did the same. Their faces were inches appart. (OooOOooOooOO things are getting spicyyy)

Akari closed her eyes. She leaned forward and-

Suddenly, Akari heard Inoskue's loud voice from below. She turned her head toward the sound.


Akari stood up suddenly. "We should help." Zenitsu stood up as well. "Akari-chan, I......" he faltered.

She studied him. "What is it?" she asked.

"I- Thank you."

She nodded and gave a small smile. "Let's go beat the s**t out of that demon."

They jumped down into the alley below.

-Word count: 1080-

-Hey fam!! I love love love this chapter so much, it's honestly the most romantic one. Get ready for a big fight next chapter, which will either be out much later today or at some point tmw. I'm so exited for you guys to see the fight haha. Very dramatic lmao.-

-Please enjoy your day/night/whatever, see ya!! <3-

-(COMPLETED)- &quot;Hey, I remember you...&quot;  | A Zenitsu x OC fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now