[3.2] mr. driving test

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Another round of bashful laughter occurred as the pumpkin patch cashier confused you and Seungkwsn for a couple. "So is the boyfriend or girlfriend paying?" She asked, grinning. She knew what she was doing, but one look at Seungkwan's calm face and you didn't care, you just giggled along with him.

You stepped outside of the exit cabin, and the freezing evening air grazed your cheeks once more, this time even colder. You waited patiently for Seungkwan to finishing paying for his pumpkin inside the cabin as you hold your own. You'd specially chosen the weirdest, most disfigured one there. It was so funny looking that you just had to choose it. Looking up at the dark blue sky, you took a moment to breathe as the faint stars reflected in your eyes. You almost jumped out of your skin as you felt a hand on your arm.

"All done." Seungkwan brandished his pumpkin proudly.

"Love it, yours is so cute."

"Thanks. I can't believe you got such a weird one." He chuckled.

"Yeah, well, there's beauty in imperfection you know?" You giggled back. A chilling breeze passed between you both as you recovered. Seungkwan looked into your eyes, a soft, friendly smile sitting on his lips like always. He looked so pretty, the lighting of the cabin behind him shining on his right cheekbone and the blue of the sky enveloping the other side. His eyes reflected the stars just like your own and his brown hair was tussled in the breeze. You were certain, in that moment, that you'd never seen someone so beautiful in your life. And the way he looked at you with those eyes that looked like autumn leaves in the dark and golden honey in sunlight made you feel like maybe... just maybe, he liked looking at you too.

"I haven't seen you around the building as much recently, have you been busy?" Seungkwan asked, breaking the silence but maintaining the warm eye contact.

"Well, since we just did a single I haven't needed to practice as much. We've just been performing and doing promotions and stuff, you know? I've had some brand deals... now that you mention it, I have been quite busy actually."

"Oooh, look at you booked and busy." Seungkwan teased. He looked so genuinely pleased to hear that, you felt your face warming.

"What about you, been busy?"

"Actually, I just passed my driving test." He pulled a keyring out of his pocket, a proud grin growing as he watched your reaction.

"Wow, Sunbaenim, that's great!"

"Yup. Only took me 4 attempts. I even forgot to put the handbrake on the first time and the car started rolling away."

You burst out laughing, almost falling over. Seungkwan pouted at first, but couldn't hold his giggles for much longer.

"Don't be rude to your senior!" He joked. "I might change my mind on giving you a ride home if you act like that."

"What?! Oh, you don't have to do that! Seventeen's dorm is like 20 minutes away from mine isn't it?"

"It's not that far!" He put his hands on his hips. You looked at him stubbornly. "Oh come on, I wanna show off how good I am at driving now that I've done the test 4 times!"

You chuckled. "Alright, but I'll buy you a coffee or something another day to make up for it."

"I'll remember you said that."

You stepped out of Seungkwan's fancy car. Almost falling over from how tired your legs were. You waited by the front door of your dorm as Seungkwan got out to say goodnight.

"Thanks for the ride, Mr. Driving Test."

Seungkwan playfully pretended to raise a fist at you as you pushed his arm away.

"Alright, you get some rest, okay?"

"I will. I'll see you around?"

"See you, goodnight Hana." Seungkwan smiled that ever so gentle smile, before you reluctantly turned around to go inside. You put your key in the door and listened to Seungkwan's footsteps walking away. You stopped. You span back around. "Wait-" but to your surprise, Seungkwan was turning back around at the same time, appearing as if he was about to speak. You stood facing each other for a moment. "Sorry, what we're you going to say?" He asked coyly.

"I... no, it's okay, you go first."

"...I was just going to ask, when will I see you again?"

Your breath hitched. "I... I'm probably going to practice at the building tomorrow, will you be there?"

"Yes, actually. Do you, you know, wanna practice singing together again?"

You felt a smile creep up your face. "Yeah, I do."

Seungkwan smiled back. That beautiful smile again. "See you tomorrow then. Oh, and you better match with me again." He said, pointing to your sweater.

"No promises." You chuckled, turning back to go inside. "Night!"


As you closed the front door behind you, you slid down the door until you were sitting, leaning against it. I can't be doing this. What if I like him...? I could get us both in trouble. Pledis doesn't allow it... especially not under the same company. You lamented. No, it's fine, I just have to shake it off. I don't even like him like that. He's just a really nice senior. We're just friends.

You sighed, picking yourself up off of the floor and sauntering to your room, ready to head straight to bed and crash.

"And who was that who just drove you home, hm?"

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