Story/Oneshot 2

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A Late Comforting Person
honestly bro Chauncey would wait for you until you came back from work like this man would read to you if either you or him wanted it, he would also hug and kiss you when he missed you. (you guys also have a cat so I'll do c/n for cat name :]) uhh and thank you and I'm currently writing this on my school bus so yea -Suki:)
Chauncey's POV: (she/her)
11:57 P.M, Tuesday, 1987
I lay in bed with C/N as we both wait for Y/N to get home, her job has been stressful to even continue but she still did it anyways. Mostly she comes home late and exhausted too much that she'll sleep with her work clothes on, I had to take off the suspenders she wore when she fell asleep since it'll probably hurt if she didn't take it out.

I feel C/N purring in my lap, C/N snuggled up in my lap almost getting in between them in a desperate move to get warm, I grab C/N gently and place him/her/them next to me and push the covers light over his/her/their sleeping body.

I heard the front door open and close in a quick second, I get up from bed and open the door from our shared bedroom. I walk over to Y/N: Rubbing her eyes, her hair a little bit messy but I didn't mind. Some of her hair fell in front of her so I couldn't see her gorgeous face. I walk in front of her until she bumps directly into me.

"Huh?" She says before looking up to me, her E/C eyes look into me with a sudden smile, I can tell she wants to kiss me but can't reach my face. (My dawg is 6'1 apparently tf) I chuckle before leaning down to her level and kissing her, her small hands cup my face as I can feel something drop onto my cheek, it was wet.

I pull away from our kiss and look at Y/N who is swiping her tears away I look at her, brushing a strand of hair away and tucked behind her ear. "What's wrong darling?" I whisper, as if I was telling her a secret. "I... just missed you, so I g-guess that's why." Y/N sniffles and continues to wipe her eyes to drain out her salty tears. I wipe some of her tears with the sleeve of her white blouse.

Y/N's POV:
12:06 A.M, Wednesday, 1987
Chauncey walks behind me but as I walk towards the door to put shared bedroom I feel a clip from behind me, I can sense the suspenders unclip from my pants since it felt a little lighter once you a actually remove it. I spin around to face Chauncey, his face rather extremely red or just a light pink. "What was that for?" I ask, he looks away in embarrassment and of ecstasy. "I-uh thought you would be uncomfortable if you slept with suspenders on so that's why I did it?" His whole answer sounds like he's completely confused. "Alright I'll accept that answer for now."

I say, right before I open the door to put shared bedroom, our cat, C/N slipped through the crack of the door and was waiting to see who was behind the door. Chauncey walks in front of me and picks him/her/them up and C/N falls into his warm touch. C/N starting purring from the comforting feeling of just Chauncey holding him/her/them.

Chauncey then lightly kicks the door open with his foot and gestures me to go in first. I thank him, he puts the cat down and walks to me, I could feel his hair tickle my neck as a little gesture of 'I miss you'. I place a hand behind his neck and ruffle his hair that was getting longer as the days end. Both of his hands move to the clips on the suspenders on the front and forcefully removes it and throws it to the side near one of open windows.

I feel a cool breeze wash over me and Chauncey as he just stood behind me, hugging me as tight as he possibly could but at the same time made sure I wasn't running out of air so quick by it. "You know, I'd rather change and then you could continue doing this." I say trying not to burst his bubble already. "Ehh I guess, but after this you're giving me a hug and it'll be a deal, alright Y/N?" Wasn't the answer I was fully expecting but I nodded and he smiled.

"Now don't forget that because I do really deserve it." He chuckles before facing the other way so he didn't me changing. I've told him that it was fine but I guess being his first person during his whole life period, (yes it'll be true for now) and he prefers to look away. "So why do you look away when I'm changing and specifically when I told you it's completely fine?" I ask, he fumbles with his hands a bit.
"I prefer looking away because even if anything happens I don't want you to feel like I'm some pervert." He responds still continuing to look away.

I did realize that my blouse was off but I still didn't care, I walked in front of Chauncey and his eyes were closed and his head was facing the floor. I place one of my fingers and lift his chin up, he opens his eyes and immediately closes them. "You can open your eyes it's okay." I say, he opens his eyes slowly and looks at me. His brown eyes stare at my E/C eyes. My hand leaves his chin and hug tightly. Chauncey doesn't react but softens up to this hug, his hands lay on my  back. He pulls back and picks me up bridal style. "What did I 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 do to deserve you?" He says, his voice sounding a little less deeper than usual.

"Maybe it's because you had helped me repair the animatronics once and you literally repeated it over and over again." I finish and cup his face, his eyes look away from me for a second and he nods hesitantly.

Chauncey's POV:
12:42 A.M, Wednesday, 1987
I place her down gently and kiss the top of her head. She smiles as I flop down onto the soft bedsheets, her smiles always make my day and she doesn't even realize it. I feel something clawing at my arm, I open my eyes to C/N and Y/N mostly fooling around. Y/N giggles as she places C/N right beside me. "What is it with you and this cat? Huh?" "Uh I guess trying to get attention from you is definitely one thing." She says trying not to laugh, I stare at her until she plops on to me and rests her head near my shoulder. "You know love, that if you could just lay down for a second I can close the window~" Y/N groans and gets up, I walk over to the window and shove it into the soft, placemat and lock it.

I turn around to see Y/N possibly already asleep and maybe even the cat too. I walk over to our bed and push the covers over Y/N's sleeping body, she wakes up instantly and almost tackles me to the bed. I look at the cat, already in a deep sleep. "What was that for? That was uncalled for, dear." She doesn't say anything before hiding her face in my shoulder again. I let out a sigh and grasp my hands around Y/N's waist.
"I love you Chauncey."
"I love you too Y/N."
its a bit edgy but I'm sticking to it and I literally tried to write this in the school bathroom during one of my classes so idk b about this one. but uh thank you again. -Suki:)
(1361 words)

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