Story/Oneshot 7

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so hi I apologize for not posting yesterday and maybe today as well I had a lot of stuff on my hands so I had to get rid at least one of them. But I like this one even though it was a bit rushed. And enjoy this small little song too. And another one for a different part but you'll see.-Suki:) (She/Her)


My Pillow

Y/N's POV:
1:12 A.M, July 6, 1987
I lay on my back on the bed as Chauncey's soft snores continue to fill up the room. I don't wanna wake up Chauncey over something stupid which I'm not gonna explain.

I look over my shoulder, and see Chauncey turn around so now his face was looking at my back in return. He grunts softly and buried his head into his arm. I turn around to continue facing the window and open area around me.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and then his other arm goes underneath my waist and Chauncey clasps with hands together. And with just the slightest pull towards him, he rests his head on the nape of my neck.

I groan, before turning my whole body towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck. Chauncey eventually reacted to it and woke up suddenly.

"Mm- Y/N?" His sleepy tone of voice asks, my eyes flutter for a couple seconds before opening them up more. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." "No, it's fine you didn't do anything dear." He says, tracing my cheek.

Chauncey gives me a smile before resting his head against my chest and closing his eyes again.
I ruffle some of his hair and twirl some between my fingertips.

Chauncey's POV:
1:28 A.M, July 6, 1987
I could feel Y/N gently pet my head and ruffle it a bit. I place my face against her neck and leave behind some soft red marks. Well now that'll be visible. I thought, Y/N then moves her legs a bit to make sure she was comfortable enough.

"Y/N~ Can I talk to you for a second?" I whisper. A comfortable silence fell upon the both of us for a couple seconds until Y/N speaks up. "Uh sure what do you need to talk about?" She asks. "What's your opinion on the first time we met?" I ask, I knew it was stupid question to ask her even while we're supposed to be asleep.

"I dunno, interesting really." I nod, I smile knowing that Y/N probably felt my smile against her soft skin.


Phil's POV:
1:26 P.M, July 10th, 1986
I sat in my office, lifting the pen in my hands up slightly and making it tap against the rough wood surface. I hear a knock at the door. "Come in."

I look over to the now open door, expecting to see Mr. Miller there with another one of his riots again. Instead a girl, that was at least a bit taller than me. (I'm making y'all like 5'7) "Oh hello, are you Mr. Guy?" The girl asks, fumbling with the sliver rings on almost both of her hands.

"Yes, I am. Are you supposed to be Ms. L/N?" The girl nods hesitantly and proceeds to slowly walk towards me, closing the door behind her.
I gesture her to sit down and she obliged.

"So I'm gonna start with your age since I already know your name." I look back at the paper that the girl had already filled out. "I'm 25." She says, continuing to look at the floor but then back at me.

(So just a quick little message I do know that Chauncey is apparently 37 I will make him a bit younger like maybe late or early 20s) "Okay, and what do you plan to do once you're applied?" I ask, she looks to the side and then response rather quickly.

"To fix the animatronics in case any of them go out of order." She says, I look back at the paper and realize that she isn't faking about fixing animatronics when there broken or out of order.

I smile, since the idea of having a woman repair animatronics. Dave would probably be sad or maybe even happy. "That's really all I need now I just need to give you your name tag and make sure my 'manager' knows about it." I say, I open drawer right beside my knee and find the name tag.

The name tag was quite hard to find since a bunch of junk was clattered around it. I finally find it and give it to Y/N. We both stand up to realize that our height is quite off.

Y/N blinks a couple of times before turning to the door. "Oh well thank you Mr. Guy!" She says with unison. I wave goodbye to her and she closes the door with a smile plastered to her face.
I hope she doesn't bump into Chauncey or C.E.O.

I tap my feet a couple times and then I walk towards the door and quickly open it, seeing Y/N shake Jeremy's hand in a happy way. "Hey Phil! I think I really like our new co-worker! But not in that way!" Jeremy yells from across the room. A smile and happiness spread across Jeremy's face.

I walk over to both of them and Jeremy continues to talk about what he likes the most about Y/N even though he hasn't fully met her.
"She even told me what type of music she enjoyed! It's (whatever the fuck u choose)! I think it's really cool even though I don't even know what it is!" He yells again.

I continuing walking with them around the whole pizzeria until the glass door slammed up against the wall. I peep around the corner to see Chauncey and... C.E.O apparently. I shove Y/N and Jeremy back.

"So uh can you guys hide or something? It's like hide and seek but with two dumb people barging in like nothing." I whisper, Jeremy giggles for a second then runs off somewhere with Y/N. I turn back to face Chauncey and C.E.O standing mostly confused.

"Who was that?" C.E.O asks, he points to the corner in the direction Y/N and Jeremy ran in. "I don't know." I say, I frown technically in my head since it was a stupid answer to say.

"Well then how about we three follow 'it'?" Chauncey's 'it' sounded like he didn't wanna mistake whoever's gender it was really. Then all three of us walk towards the area mostly where those two went.

Jeremy's POV:
2:23 P.M, July 10th, 1986
Me and Y/N continued to run down the halls of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, laughing as we did so.
That's when me and Y/N both heard loud footsteps coming our way. "Yo I think we need to run again." I say breathlessly, Y/N nods and we run off somewhere again.

I let out another burst of laughter, but I knew that we were in the middle of the hall. So I contained my laughter in so that manager dude doesn't find us and that one guy with the weird glasses. (I'm sorry Chauncey☠️)

That's when me and Y/N peek out from one of the corners and see where both weird guys were and where Phil was. A bad idea. While me and Y/N look out from the corner, I could feel sense of someone behind me.

That's kinda when a finger tapped my shoulder rather in a harsh way.


Chauncey's POV:
2:00 A.M, July 6, 1986
My eyes got a bit heavier as I opened them, seeing that Y/N had already fallen asleep.
I slowly get off of her and move to my own side, placing the covers over her body.

Before flopping myself onto my side, I place a small kiss to Y/N's forehead.

"I love you, sweetheart."

So idk what to say about me taking so long making this damn chapter, I didn't mean to even do that and bc I'm in a big rush currently to make my mother a gift and it's taking most of my time away from writing. So as an apology I will make another one bc you people deserve it. And thank you. -Suki:)
(1416 words)

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