Story/Oneshot 6

286 5 13

A Festive Time
so this story kinda remind me of like when phil called chauncey to ask him if he could be at the christmas party and some weird shit happened idk man. So it's quite similar to this just a bit different, it does in fact include CEO falling off of the christmas tree. and a little surprise at the end oh and thank you again. I'm also leaving a song at the little box thingy. -Suki:) (They/Them)
Chauncey's POV:
5:34 P.M, December 24, 1986
"Chauncey where are the rest of the ornaments? Where the hell did you put them?" C.E.O asks, he's short, meaning he'll need to crawl up the christmas tree and reach the top to put the star up. "Uh here sir." I grab the box filled with red, green, silver and gold round ornaments.

"Thank you." C.E.O responds rather quickly, I nod and place the box on the chair next to me. "So how's your girlfriend?" C.E.O asks, continuing to put ornaments at the bottom of the tree and then make his way up. Before I answer the phone next to me rings.

I pick up and realize it was Phil.
"Mr. Guy."
"Wh- How did you know it would be me?"
"It's rare that anyone calls (bc he's a bitch). Besides that, I have caller I.D."
"Right. Uh, well next Thursday is Christmas." Phil's voice starts to shake up a bit.

"Yes. The pizzeria will be closed, will it not?" I ask, confusion is already taking over.
"It will! Actually I wanted to ask... well, some of us are getting together, and I thought that maybe-"
"Is that even legal?" (bro this guy is dumb)

"Uh... I wasn't planning on putting it in the books. It just... it seems most of us didn't have anywhere else to go, so I though it would be nice..." Phil says, he cuts his sentence short and sighs behind the call.
"So you want what? My permission?" I say, mostly in a harsh tone.

Right after that the phone technically ends up beeping. "Was it Phil?" C.E.O asks, he looks at me and I nod. C.E.O shrugs it off before standing up and almost admiring his work. "So what were you saying again?" I ask, he scoffs and repeats his questions again.

"I was asking how your girlfriend was doing. Since you barely ever talk to me about her, the only time you did was when you told you me that you had one." C.E.O says, I shrug. He looks at me like I'm insane or something.

"They're doing fine, I'm actually planning on doing something for them when I get home."
"And what would that be~?" C.E.O smirked, his flirty type voice sent everything off. "Not in that way, I'm actually planning on proposing to them." I say, looking away from C.E.O. I turn back to face him and he looks... rather shocked. "Wait, really!?" He says, his surprised face turns into a smile of greatness.

"Yes. Since I know that me and Y/N have been together for 6 years, so I'd rather do it now than wait." "I mean look as long as she- THEY say yes, I will be at your wedding." C.E.O's christmas hat looks like it'll fly off when it gets the chance to.

I help C.E.O with some of the ornaments that were to high for him to reach, and he said he'll do some by himself and ended up falling. (bro probably didn't catch him or help him up or even ask him if he was okay☠️)

- a big ass time skip again -
Chauncey's POV:
9:12 P.M, December 24, 1986
I grabbed the keys out of my pocket and and found the right one and pushed into the lock. Ripping the key from the lock, I pushed the door open with my foot. The moment I entered, Y/N was leaving our bedroom. I closed the door with my foot again and dropped the brief case that was in my hands.

"Hello there sweetheart." And again Y/N bumps into me. They take their hands away from their eyes and look up at me with a smile. Y/N mostly squinted when they smiled, which I found absolutely adorable. (if you squint while smiling you are my favorite :D)

"Hi Chauncey." They say, it sounded like they whispered like someone was hearing us. "How was work?" "It was alright." They nod and fumble with their hands a bit. "What are you so worried about my love?" I ask, putting one of my hands on theirs.

"Hm nothing." "That doesn't look convincing dear." I say, they frown and look away. "Just wait here darling." They nod again, I walk past them to our bedroom. I grab the drawer next to my side of the bed and grab a small black ring box. I hold to my chest and think about it for a bit.
What if they say no?
I'm gonna look like an idiot.
I did already tell C.E.O, I don't wanna let him down.
I'm gonna trust my instinct and go with it.

Y/N's POV:
9:16 P.M, December 24, 1986
A minute went by and I heard Chauncey's footsteps behind me. I turn around swiftly and look at him. The only thing visible was his blue button-up and brown vest. I look at Chauncey's hands: they were behind his hands, both of them.
My heart started beating fast, a lot of thoughts
ran through my mind.

Was he gonna propose?

A small blush probably got painted against my face. We both stand in silence for a moment until Chauncey speaks up. "I don't know how to say this but there's something I wanna do." Chauncey says, he gets on his left knee, his right arm stays behind his back.

"Y/N, you made my life so much better within these 6 years. Everything about you made me smile every time I got a glimpse of you. You've been the first person to ever make me so happy in this relationship. Y/N L/N, will you marry me?" Chauncey says, looking at me with a smile.

After he said his little speech, he brought his right hand out and opened the small box that contained a ring. I couldn't even speak, I was so stunned at his proposal.

"Yes! Yes I will!" I practically almost yelled. I jumped into his arms and almost sobbed into his shoulder. I place a hand into his hair and hugged him tighter. Chauncey eventually gets on both of his knees and embraces me.

"I really thought you're going to say no-" "Why would I ever say no to you?" I cut him off, he opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He chuckles before grabbing the ring out of the black box and grabs my left hand.

He gently puts the ring on my ring finger (it's your fourth finger), once he puts the ring on, I take both of my hands and cup his face. Giving him light kisses on his lips. He pulls away breathless from the kisses I gave him.

"Fuck dear, when are you so harsh~?" I ask, her face flushes red and light pink. He chuckles again and asks another random question like he normally does.

"So love, wanna start having children?" He asks sarcastically. "WHAT?!" I yell, he gently caresses my cheek and speaks again. "I'm just kidding love." "I bet you're not." I mumble underneath my breath, still my face was red. "You're gonna sum up to it soon my dear." He says.
"But at the same time, I love you Chauncey."
"I love you too sweetheart."
so look I'm not good with writing fucking proposals of weddings another thing as well I'm making like a second part bc I'm feeling absolutely generous. and I actually do hope you really liked this one bc I ain't good at writing this type of stuff. I'm also trying to get out at least 1 chapter everyday even if I'm sick or I have the most bad headache I'm still doing one chapter each day bro. And thank you. -Suki:)
(1370 words)

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