chapter one

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"She was beautiful, her songs like those that you would hear at sea that would pull you to the depths of roaring waves "

"what was her name Captain?"

"Aurora...Aurora Hudson"


the king and his men

stole the Queen from her bed

and bound her in her bones

the seas be ours

and by the powers

where we will, we'll roam.

throughout the night of the palace all you could hear was the sobs of the new born princess, Aurora Hudson. she was next in line reign the throne.

Thunder shook the kingdom and waves crashed upon the rocks screaming to welcome the new born baby girl.

"Hush my love" her mother cooed rocking her gently in her arms "Yo, Ho all hands hoist the colours high..." as her mother danced with her in her arms all the baby could do was let out delightful laughs.


Another crack of thunder sounded off but yet the little girl didn't seem frightened in her mothers arms.

Her Mother looked down at her with so much love it was impossible to say that she didn't care for her, as the king sat near the crackling fire watching the two girls he loved most in the world he couldn't help but smile.

"You my sweet are going to grow up strong, stronger than any man has every seen, beautiful as the sea itself but one wrong move and they shall be punished in your command" her Father declared, rasp filling his voice.

King Alexander was not a man to show affection nor did he want a daughter in fact, but once Aurora was born he was captivated by her striking blue eyes, they were like the tempest sea itself far too dangerous to roam without cation.

As the years went on Aurora grew up to be a beautiful little girl but on her 5th birthday something terribly wrong happened.

"NOO!" her mother cried fighting off the guard's that seized her hands behind her back.

Pirates came that day. they dragged the king away his anguished cries filling the palace walls as he was pried away from his once loving family.

As little Aurora hid behind her mother afraid of what was going to happen to her father all she could do was watch the scene before her, her father being dragged away by dirty looking pirates, but one of them seemed to notice her, he wasn't as frightening as the others, he casted a sorrowful smile at the little girl, his golden teeth shinning in the light.

her mother must of seen this and pushed Aurora behind her covering her with her body out of the sight of any pirates. her mother was still sobbing for her beloved but Aurora was to focussed on that pirate, she knew she would never forget his face.

jet black hair that must have been once past his shoulders but was now cut short and beautiful light blue eyes they seemed to be the opposite of hers... they were welcoming rather than dangerous and 3 gold teeth that shimmered in the light. and one scar that travelled from his forehead to his eye.

She was beyond in a trance with this man, she's never seen a pirate before only heard of them in tales and legend's, the stories used to say that all pirates were heartless and loved nothing but the sea, but that man was different somehow.

After that unfaithful day Aurora learned not to trust no one even if they were of high society. but what her mother didn't know was that she made an exception just for one person.

As the days passes so did the years, it was now 3 years since her father was captured.

Aurora wanted nothing more than to be let out of the palace, go on walks like she did before her father got captured, so one day she got fed up and sneaked out pulling on a white clock that draped over her head hiding her face from any passerby. as she got away from the palace she went to her favourite place, the cliff side.

The waves crashing upon the rocks below her the wind wiping at the draped hood that hung over her face but she didn't mind she loved the feeling

"hoist the colours high, heave ho..thieves and baggers never shall we die...some men have died and some are alive and others sail on the sea..." She sang, she always loved the song her mother used to sing for her but that all stopped since her fathers disappearance.

As Aurora continued to sing she was oblivious to the little boy watching her, curious and bewildered by her, stepping forward not even noticing his feet carry him towards her he stopped right beside her his clothes looked vile compared to hers, his shirt was baggy and holes were dotted here and there , his chestnut hair in small dreadlocks, colourful beads placed to keep them from falling out and his face was beyond dirty but his Deep brown eyes could be seen from a mile away.

As Aurora turned around to go back to the palace she gasped at the sight before her, the wind blowing her hood off of her head, she was now reviled to the boy. Her Honey coloured locks dancing in the wiping wind and her tempest blue eyes striking the boy infront of her, the boy struggled to say a word but came back to his senses as her saw the girl infront of him beginning to run away.

Before she could run away her wrist was caught by the boy, looking back with fear in her eyes, images of her father flashed in her eyes.

"Who are You!" she bellowed over the wind, power compelling her voice. The boy was taken aback by this, he didn't expect her to sound like that.

"Jack, My name is Jack Sparrow" his voice came out small compared to her's, but the little girl didn't see any threat in him, he reminded her of the pirate she saw 3 years ago,

pulling the boy along for shelter and warmth for he looked freezing, she soon came by a small shack, pulling him in she shut the door behind her hearing the storm howl in anger.

She looked back at the boy that sat on top of a barrel shivering from the cold, feeling pity for the boy she unclipped her own white coat and draped it over his shoulders.

"I'm Aurora Hudson, princesse of the Caribbean sea" she introduced herself with her head high, the young boy was now wide eyed.

"Princesse?!" he exclaimed, shocked to what he was hearing.

"Yes, Jack Sparrow" she smiled her eyes roaring like the waves. Jack knew he wont be getting rid of her not because she was royalty but because she was the first to show him kindness when he asked others for it but denied him of it because he looked like a 'pirate' but with her he didn't even need to ask...

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