The Beginnings

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When Commander started his journey out towards anywhere really, he somehow stumbled upon a forest. And he went in because he's allowed to lol.

Commander (C): Oh cool a forest. But why the actual hell is it generically placed here?

Shut up Commander, anyways it was still morning so it was safe, and Commander actually enjoyed the peace and quiet, until some guy in gray clothings and a hat came running.

???: I currently require assistance or I might die. lol oh fu-

C: ok

Suddenly for some reason, a green zombie came walking out from the bushes. The gray clothing man started shooting.

???: Man.

Commander whipped out his gun and shot the zombie in the head which turned it into dust, Scout sat down on the log to relax or something.

???: Thanks.

C: ok

???: Anyways, I'm Scout.

C: Sup, I'm commander.

Scout (S): So I got lost.

C: I'm building a team (or base) to shoot some funny zombies.

S: You got me to shoot some funny zombies.

Commander now has obtained his first troop known as Scout. The adventure continues for our legos.

S: So Commander, why are you here?

C: I completed my training, now I need to train others.

S: Cool.

They walked and walked until evening came along, and the two towers were pretty hungry ngl.

S: Got any food.

C: No.

S: Water?
C: No.

S: Anything at all?

C: No.

S: gg for us.

Commander made a fire with some drywood somehow, and the two went to bed, on moss. Until morning, Commander woke up, and also realized that scout was already awake.

Commander: Why are you awake nerd?

Scout: Because I'm cool, and I also hear something moving.

C: Sure you did.

???: Someone help.

S: wow

C: Nobody asked.

Scout moved towards the voice and saw a man with a soldier type uniform, and a gun, stuck on some vines.

???: Sup, I need help.

S: How did you get stuck there?

???: I saw a banana, and I got hungry.

C: Where.

While Commander was looking for the banana or whatever, Scout carefully shot the vines, but realized he was standing underneath the person.

S: Oh f-

???: That hurt.

C: Sup, I'm Commander, and he's Scout.

S: Sup.

Soldier (So): I'm a soldier, I actually forgot how I got here, but I think I saw some zombies.

And of course, the bushes started rustling, and like 6 green normal zombies came out.

C: Uhh. Shoot them I guess.

S: ok
So: ok

Scout immediately grabbed his pistol and started shooting the zombies, while Soldier quickly recovered and did bursts with his weapon. While the Commander just stood there like an idiot. But after the zombies died lol, they celebrated by trying to get the bananas, which they did after 2 hours.

Commander: Well, I'm working on building a team.

Soldier: Sure.

Scout: Nice.

Commander has now obtained his second troop; Soldier. Their journey was far from over, but they knew it was going to be a fun one. The adventure will continue, next time on Tower Defense Simulator: The Adventure.

Next time, there will be some desert and they will meet three more units. So nice.

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