The Desert

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In our previous chapter, Commander set out from training to continue his base buildup, he now has Scout and Soldier after meeting them in the forest. After a few days, Scout and Soldier have developed a brotherly type friendship, due to them being somewhat similar in a way. Anyways we shall continue Tower Defense Simulator: The Adventure.

Scout (S): So Commander, where to now.

Commander (C): I forgot, but I think we go forwards.

Soldier (So): I wonder how our team will look in the future.

S: Probably crappy, but I'm sure Commander can handle this.

C: Probably.

They continued walking until they suddenly encountered a desert, well they really didn't notice until Soldier started to get tired faster from the heat. They continued until they found some shelter to make camp.

C: You two see anything?

S and So: Not at all.

C: Hmm.

Commander started to think as the sun was slowly setting down. Scout and Soldier were trying to readjust their hat from the fierce winds of the desert.

C: We still need to make camp. So just try to find something.

And then Scout noticed something, or someone, on a rock.

S: Hey Commander, I see someone.

So: Quickly check.

C: ok

The three ran pretty slowly cuz of the desert to the rock, and they found a man with a backwards cap sleeping with a dusty sniper rifle and a green uniform.

???: *groan*

Commander: Oh shoot he's awake, everyone back away.

Everyone obeyed, and he awoke.

???: Sup.

S: Sup, we got lost and found you.

???: Well you can call me Sniper, I was trying to look for some food, but I fell asleep on the rock because I can't be bothered.

Commander: Well Sniper, you got any shelter?

Sniper (Sn): Yep, I also got some friends waiting for me. But you guys get any food.

Soldier grabbed a banana from his bag.

Soldier: We still have a few left, but you and your friends can have some ig.

Sniper: Thanks, alright let's go.

Sniper led the three legos across the desert while carefully savoring his banana. Night was slowly falling, and the four were slowly getting tired.

So: Are we there yet?

Sn: No.

S: Are we there yet?

Sn: Yes.

Sniper led them to a small cave which had a man with a green shirt and gray pants with a green type beret on his hat, along with a broken gun by his side while sitting with a campfire. There was also a humvee (the car from the classic military base skin) and a man with goggles and black clothing casually sleeping inside.

Green beret: Who are there guys Sniper?

Sn: They're normal troops. That's Scout, Soldier, and Commander.

Green beret: Oh sup, I'm Militant, and that's Driver.

The man in the humvee suddenly awoke and opened the door with a sleepy face.

Driver: Man, that was uncomfortable.

Militant (Mili): rip

Commander: So how long have you guys been staying here for? Because I think I know a place out of this desert.

Sniper: I forgot. But sweet.

Commander: Also I'm working on building a team.

Sniper and Militant and Driver: We're in.

Scout: Sweet, we got three more towers.

Soldier walked towards the Humvee and patted the engine.

Driver: Like her? Runs like a kitten, sometimes.

Soldier: She's nice. Also Sniper, didn't you say you guys didn't eat for a while?
Sn: Yeah. :skull:

Soldier grabbed some bananas and tossed one to Militant and Driver.

Mili and Driver: Thanks g.

C: Alright lets leave this place.

S: Shouldn't we leave when it's daytime?

C: No. It's cooler if we go during the day.

Mili: Bet. Also my gun is broken.

So: Sounds like a you problem.

The six legos got on the humvee, with driver being the driver, Commander sitting shotgun, and the rest at the back. And they went their way.

Scout: This humvee bussin yo.

Commander: Do you guys hear that?

Groans came and they saw a horde of green zombies and some strange blue zombies running extremely fast.

Mili: Who are these eggs?


S: Ayo play something on the radio to make this look cooler.

Driver: Alright.

Radio: Never gonna gi-

Okay we're gonna act like the radio never turned on. But the 4 towers on the back got their weapons ready and started shooting (Militant just threw bullets lol). Soldier and Sniper were doing well by taking care of the "Speedies," but Scout had a bit of a problem with the "Normals," but this was on a moving vehicle so it looked cool.

Scout: Haha balls.

The last Speedy flipped off at everyone and retreated back leaving them in the dust.

Commander: Nice job nerds, alright let's keep going.

All the towers (except Commander): Bet.

Commander has now obtained three more troops; Sniper, Militant, and Driver. Their base was building up, but now they must venture on with more zombies stopping their way.. The adventure will continue, next time on Tower Defense Simulator: The Adventure.

Next time, there will be some green isle place and they will meet two more units. So bye.

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