Back To The Crystal Caves / The Tower's Despair

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(warning: this chapter has brutal gore)

In our previous chapter, the legos hear some sounds in a cave, and meets DJ's younger sister, Neko DJ, who has developed a crush on Scout and joined the team, Driver also found a new base, which remains permanent due to it having everything they required, now they must prepare for battle again, but with a new unit and new boss, will they survive? Found out now on Tower Defense Simulator: The Adventure.

It was very early in the morning (6AM), all the units were asleep, well except Scout and Soldier who both were scouting the area, Commander and DJ were sleeping in the same bed, wait why the, actually who cares, as Medic was sleeping in her office, and everyone was snoozing as usual, and Neko DJ dreaming about Scout (what fast character development) and Hunter and Militant came back late with some big dead bird, and nothing could ruin this sleep. Well until they all smelt something nice from the Mess Hall.

Minigunner (Mini): Oh man, what smells good.

Slugger (Sl): That smells pretty good.

Gladiator (Gl): Damn.

Medic: I can smell it from my office.

Neko DJ (Neko): mmm

Commander (C): Breakfast?

DJ: That's a pretty good breakfast smell.

Militant (Mili): Hmm?

Hunter (H): That smells better than my cooking ngl.

Driver: Oh man, that was a good sleep.

Fragger (Fr): Yeah it was.

Rocketeer (Ro): Boy never felt this fresh in the morning.

Sniper (Sn): My back feels much better.

Scout (S): Morning.

Soldier (So): We're making breakfast, so just chill.

Everyone grabs a seat, while Hunter and Commander walks over to the two legos cooking.

H: What are you cooking here?

S: Well, me and Soldier found a farm near the Mess Hall and found some herbs and vegetables, so we decided to make Lemongrass Noodles with Chicken (well bird) and Vegetables.

C: Damn, got any done?

So: Here.

Soldier placed a plate with what Scout said earlier, and it looked actually well made, with noodles and herbs, small pieces of roasted bird on the sides, and a nice array of sliced carrots.

So: Try it.

Scout hands the two a fork and they both digged in, and enjoyed it immensely.

H: Damn, this stuff is actually good.

C: Who cooked this?

So: Both of us.

S: Yeah we both can cook quite well due to us being alone in the forest back then.

C: Well you both can have the role of cooks.

H: What about me?

C: Your name is literally hunter.

H: Fair enough.

Shotgunner (Sh): YO WHERE'S THE FOOD?!

S: Coming.

So: Can we get some help dishing out the food?

C: Sure. Hey Minigunner, Sniper, and Slugger. Help those two bring out the food.

Minigunner and Sniper and Slugger: ok

As Scout and Soldier finished off their cooking, the three that were called out by the commander helped bring out the food, which every tower enjoyed as well. But there was a problem.

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