47| Kill The Little Sister (Part 2)

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Outskirts of the Capital, Giyo Forest

Walking in the calm of the moonlight in the forest, Akira and Akame, along with Fenrir, were walking along the dense forest. They were in the outskirts, heading to a secluded place. Akira had only been to the location a few times, but not as much as Akame.

The two held each other's hands along the way, the both of them gripping it tightly as they continued the journey. The rustling of grass, bushes, and the cracks of twigs filled the enveloping silence around them as they said not a word to each other. But there wasn't a need to say anything at all. Akame was looking for comfort, receiving just as much as she needed with Akira being right next to her. After all, it was a personal endeavor that she couldn't afford to fail right now.

Just as they were about to exit the forest, a large structure had come into view. Once they stopped at the end, Akame faced her partner.

Once more, nothing was said. She squeezed his hand tightly for reassurance. Reassurance for that no matter what happened during this mission, if Kurome died or lived to leave the Empire, he'd be there for her. Of course, Akira responded with the same amount of tightness she had given. His free hand reached up, caressing her cheek as Akame leaned into the comfort of his touch, closing her eyes as she calmly took in a deep breath and exhaled, repeating this process for a few more seconds. She then opened her red orbs, leaning up to give him a quick kiss before she departed.

Akira watched as Akame continued on alone, his hands quivering in nervousness. The wolf noticed it's master's gesture, whining as he nudges Akira's leg. The boy smiled and bent down to pet the wolf's head.

He had faith in her. He always did.


Akame took in her surroundings as she entered the structure. It was mostly dilapidated and left to ruin, vines and moss occurring all over it.

This place was where she made her last getaway. Where everything of the Elite Seven began to fall apart. And just a few meters away from here was where she had her battle with Gozuki, where she had ended his life and had a failed attempt of smuggling Kurome out with her. This place was also the last time she ever saw her friend Poney, to which she doesn't know where her current whereabouts are. In fact, she wasn't even sure if Poney was still alive or not.

The ravenette continued walking down the dirt path, her eyes lighting up as her gaze trailed upwards. Sitting upon a small monument of sorts was Kurome, her legs dangling off to the side as she hummed and gazed up at the moon. The black-haired girl had felt a presence, turning her head over as she let out a smile.

Kurome: "Sis!"

Akame: "...Kurome."

Kurome: (looks around) "Huh? I sense someone."

Akame: "I'm sorry. Three of my teammates are behind me. But they won't interfere with our fight. They'll only take on anyone who interrupts us. They understand what we want."

The black-haired girl narrowed her eyes a bit, turning to her sister if there were any indication or hint of a lie. While Akame kept a stoic look, Kurome could see it in her older sister's eyes. What she said was the truth, the three that had went with Akame were only standing guard at the outskirts and would only engage if someone were to interrupt them.

Seeing the confirmation, Kurome hummed as she hopped off the monument, walking up to her older sister.

Kurome: "So you've got people who will see you off. Got it. If you say so, Sis." (pulls out pouch of sweets) "I brought these. Want one?"

Akame: (smiles) "Sure."

As the two were now enjoying their sweets, on the outskirts of the structure were the other three. Leone, Akira, and Tatsumi were standing guard, the lioness and the reaper using their Teigus to sense if any other presences were nearby.

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