Chapter 12

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Third Pov

Naruto stared up at the celling as he was lying in bed with Gaara on his left side asleep. It was already Moring.


(Yes, Kurama)

'Are you going to tell Gaara that your pregnant'

(No not yet) his hand moved to his stomach (I want to tell him when our family is together when I tell him the news)

'okay' he could hear Kurama sighed. 'Do you want to know how Many you're having and gender'

Naruto brows furred together. (I'm having more than one? No don't tell me I want to know when I will give birth)

'Okay, I'm going back to sleep' Naruto chuckled but didn't say anything feeling Kurama already left his mind.

He looked down to his hands that were caress his stomach. ''I don't care on how many I'm have.'' He said to himself. ''I'll will love you guys on how many I Would have.'' He smiled gently.

He moved his hands while he looked at Gaara. He gently shakes him. ''Gaara.'' He Shaked him again. Gaara groaned pulling Naruto into his embrace.

Naruto let out a yelp escape his lips at the sudden action. ''Gaara, you got to get up.'' Naruto said as he has cheeks was slightly red.

Gaara arms wrapped around his waist. Well, his hands rested on Naruto's stomach. ''Gaara.'' Naruto Shaked him a little more hard.

Gaara opened his eyes blinking a couple of times. ''Morning.'' He said as he removed as arms around Naruto. ''Morning, we have to get dressed to meet Hinata and the kids.'' Said Naruto as he got up from the bed.

Gaara nodded as well getting up from the bed. He got his clothes that were on a chair were he put them. '' I'll take them somewhere to get breakfast.'' He told Naruto all ready dressed up in his clothes.

''Yeah, Thats a good Idea.'' Naruto replied with as he got his pants on. ''When lunch comes, I can take them to get some ramen.'' He grin at Gaara who in returned Shaked his head. ''You really love ramen.'' 

Naruto chuckled as he kissed his cheek. ''Yeah.' He said as he grabbed Gaara hands walking out of their room.

As they walked, They let go of there hands when they got outside they are heading to Gaara's office to wait and meet up with Hinata and the kids.

''I'm not going To be happy when the woman come here.'' Naruto groaned as he sat in front of Gaara's desk who is behind doing some paperwork to get done. 

''yeah, me to.'' said Gaara who looked up from his paperwork when he heard a knock on his door. ''come in.''

Naruto looked over his shoulder. ''Good morning Naruto Gaara.'' Hinata greeted as she had the kids with her.

''Good morning mo-''Himawari stopped when Naruto gave her a look. ''Good morning dad.'' She corrected herself. Naruto smiled at her in relief.

She looked at Gaara. ''Good morning.'' Gaara nodded mumbling a good Moring back. ''Man why did we have to wake up early.'' Boruto grumbled as he rubbed his eye. ''Couldn't I sleep in.'' He complained.

Naruto chuckled at his son. ''Glad to know your awake.'' Boruto sent a glared to him. ''But for the reason why you guys are up early is because the women would be arriving today.'' He clenched his jaw.

''But i thought that they would be here in a week or so.'' Hinata asked confused at the sudden information she just received.

''I thought so to until Gaara saw a note on his desk when he got in his office.'' Boruto was confused on what's going on well he watched them talk. '' Now it seems today they will be here.'' 

Hinata looked into Naruto's eyes seeing that he is not happy at the sudden Information that he had just received. ''Well Let's just hope this will be over before we know it.''

''Yeah.'' Naruto mumbled. ''It will be fine.'' Gaara sighed to himself. ''Remember I already know what I'm going to do.'' He reassured Naruto who was a little bit tense.

Naruto relaxed himself as he heard what Gaara said to him. ''You Guys have a plan.'' Asked Boruto who raised a brow to him with a slight confusion in his eyes.

''Yeah but you will know once we will Announce it.'' Gaara told him as he stamped a paper.

Naruto held his stomach as he felt a kick. (Karma how many months will i give birth?) Naruto asked in his mind.

'Probably this month seeing that you kids are going at a insane rate' Karma yawned as he layed his head on his paw.

(Oh,.....What this month) He took a deep breath.

'Yeah i told you already I'm going to sleep' With that Karma fall asleep.

Hinata send him a look. seeing if he is okay. Naruto gave her smile and a nodded to make her he's fine.

A knocked was heard. ''Come in.'' Gaara said as he looked up to who ever knocked.

A Anbu walked in and bowed. ''The lady's have arrived.'' Gaara nodded. ''Okay, you may be excuse.'' The Anbu walked at not look back.

Naruto Groaned Quietly, But Gaara heard him. Gaara sent him a noticeable smile before he got up.

''Let's get this over with.''


Hi loves! 

I hope you liked this story; I'm making other stories for the near future when this story is finished.

So far, I'm Liking How this story is going.

 So let me know what you guys think.

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