Chapter 13

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Third Pov

Naruto Jaw clenched as he saw another girl came up to his husband, who fluttered her eyelashes at him.

''Mom, you need to calm down.'' Himawari held his hand. ''Mom, you don't need to worry dad loves you.'' Naruto looked at her daughter with a gentle smile.

''Your right.'' He took a deep breath. He was thankful for his daughter that she calmed her down. He looked back at them seeing a different girl with him who had a shy smile well she also had a slight blush on her cheeks.

I'm not going to get mad. Naruto thought to herself as he teared his eyes away from the girl. He looked up to look at his husband face seeing no emotion on him.

''Your dad really doesn't like what's going on.'' He said out loud to his daughter. who nodded her head. ''Yeah, I can tell.'' She grimaced a little seeing her father with no emotion.

Naruto blinked looking back at her daughter. He heard her voice grimaced. ''Yeah, that's how you father is he shows no emotion of what the council puts him through. You don't need to worry.'' He explained to her.

Her eyes brighten a little getting information about her dad that she just learned. ''Okay, I'm not worried-'' She stopped well she saw another girl with her dad who was to close to him.

Naruto looked seeing Gaara moving away a little from her. ''Come on we are going with your father.'' He pulled her gently with him as he walked to his husband.

Well, they got closed the girl noticed them coming her way. She looked back at Gaara thought they were only passing by.

''Is everything alright?'' Naruto asked as he was now standing with them. ''Everything is fine.'' The girl answered him.

Naruto put a fake smile on his face to be polite. In the corner of his eyes he saw his husband gave him a bland look. He got the meaning what he told him by looking in his eyes.

''If you excuse me I'll be taking Gaara for a moment.'' He told the girl gently not wanting her to hear the bitterness in his voice.

The girl just smiled not seeing any problem. ''Sure.'' She walked away from them so they can have some alone time.

''Dad, This is boring.'' Himawari pouted. Gaara chuckled at her. ''Don't worry this will be over soon.'' He told her.

''Some of these women are to close for my liking.'' Naruto grumbled to him with his hand still holding Himawari.

''Yeah, they get too close to me.'' Gaara said. ''I don't like it.'' He stated well Himawari just looked at them talk. ''Dad don't worry maybe we can just Ignored them.'' Himawari exclaimed.

Naruto chuckled. ''He can't cause the counselor are watching him.'' Himawari had a pout on her lips.

''I'm sorry dad you will have to go through this misery with those women.'' Gaara just patted her head with a slight smile on his lips. ''It's fine I've been through worse.''

Naruto watched their little interaction with each other, he smiled but he knew that he will have to tell Boruto about them it wasn't a complete family if only your daughter new.

He held his stomach as he felt his baby  move, Himawari saw this but didn't say anything thinking that her mom is fine,

''Well, we better get going and leave it to you then.'' Naruto told his husband with a slight smile, he grabbed his daughter hand again as he saw another girl coming there way. ''I'll see you later.'' Gaara nodded to him as he walked away.

''Mom this is stupid.'' Himawari mumbled for only Naruto to hear. ''Yeah, but don't worry everything will work out in the end.'' he gave her daughter hand a squeeze.

''You knew mom I'm wondering when we real tell Boruto the truth.'' Naruto bit his lip as his daughter said that.

''Don't worry I will tell him.'' He told her as he mumbled. ''I already told Hinata to break the news to him.'' 

Himawari hummed as they kept looking around seeing different people or stalls that are selling things.

''Mom can I get dad something.'' she stopped at a stall that sell some jewelry. ''I want him to have something from me that dad would like.'' She explained to him.

Naruto sighed. ''Sure, that seems fine.'' he smiled lightly to her as she dragged him to the stall.

 He watched as she looked through different kinds of jewelry that she would put back, it was really nice of his daughter to get something for her dad.

Plus this helped Naruto taking his mind off of the women that are mostly talking to his husband.

He chuckled once he saw Himawari eyes sparkle at what she just found, he was glad that she was having fun well Boruto was with Hinata. but nonlessly he was okay as long as his daughter is with him.

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