A kind lie

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To deny a heart a dream, is to realize that there can be no glory after the pain. That as the days melt into the night, your scars will turn invisible but will never fade. There can be no healing, if I refuse to face the death of a innocent mind. That is to say how hot hell is, is just a matter of perspective. And the devil does not will evil, but only whispers at the darkness. Bidding for the demons to creep closer and molest your insecurities. To break my mind. To shatter my heart. The pieces that I will use to slit my wrist and release my sorrow. As I cry out into the night, the noise of the world will drown out my screams, leaving only a whisper. " Don't kill me with a lie, don't torture me with the truth. Instead love me enough to let our moments speak." But  what happens in the moments that true love fails, does that mean love wasn't true? When is it ok to fall into the pain, when can I give up on you,like you've given up on me countless times. I wish that you could feel this pain, but I wish it doesn't hurt you to bad, but I simply need an escape from Cupid's hell, whereas his arrows have skewered my soul and left my arms beckoning a empty love, my fingers outstretched towards a great tree that can bear no fruit for me... only a beautiful flower that becomes a deadly poison as she kisses your lips and releases a kind lie into your mouth... "I love you " I breath releasing it back. As we die from each other's words.

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