| Addition | Come to Mama

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"Stop hiding from me dear."

A twisted voice spoke up with an echo , the shuffling of this person's footsteps were heard as it inched closer. The environment was closing in like a trap through the other's mind. This was coming from an innocent 9 year old Terrance. His body had already been ripped apart , he couldn't handle much more. The monster , no- his mother had caused this to him. Flora , her name resembling of a beautiful flower. A woman with such a dark desire of causing pain. Such an irony , she wasn't anything of relation to a flower. She was a demon from hell that's what , a monster from the deepest depths of evil. Terrance had such grand hatred for his mother and practically swore that one day he'd make her regret what she'd have done to him. He'd cause her the pain she caused on him , he would.
However at the very moment , his torso had been ripped apart , his organs spilling out while his legs were cut off clean completely , the blood still spilling out and staining everything. All he had left were his arms , the only thing he can use to move around. His breathing was frantic as he tried to stop his panic , tears were running down his face as his eyes were bloodshot. He couldn't think well , he was trying to hide and run away , the pain he had was unbearable , in fact - Flora was in the middle of cutting his body open in pieces to eat the boy. He escaped this time around , he didn't want this.

He heard her footsteps get even closer and in an instant- tried covering his mouth tightly with his hands , gripping intensely as his body shook. This caused to not having enough oxygen in his lungs , he didn't care though he still tried to shut himself up. He was scared , so so so scared. Yes , he's gone through this many times but this felt so much more different. He was actually trying to hide , he was trying to live. His eyes darted from place to place , trying to distract himself about the coming danger.

The footsteps stopped.

Was he safe?


Suddenly , he felt a yank from his torso.

"AAH!" He yelled in pain and shock as he was yanked upwards from his intestines , only to meet Flora's face eye to eye. Her facial expression being unreadable.
"NO! NO! GO AWAY! GO AWAY!! NO!" He immediately yelled out as he trashed around. He sobbed harder and harder as he tried escaping her grip , he was desperate to leave. Her hands grabbed him by the torso , securing he had no way to escape. "NO STOP! NO! N-NO IM SORRY! PLEASE PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS! MAMA!" He frantically yelled out for help as his voice cracked as he tried moving away from her. The pain intensifying much more as he was hauled over to where he had originally been. He screamed louder and louder as he let out a free arm and tried crawling away. His fingers digging in to the ground , his fingernails broken and bleeding from his harsh desperation to escape. He stretched out his arm as he did so , trying to stop this at least for a while longer. He screamed his heart out , only for no one to hear.

Instantly , he felt a hand over his mouth harshly. He shut up immediately and stopped thrashing around as he was frozen in fear. Flora looked directly at him , her eyes piercing through his own. He whimpered as she tightened her grip from over his mouth. "Terrance." She started to speak , her own face spilled with blood , most noticeably around her mouth. Terrance stayed in place , nodding hesitantly and most carefully as to let her go on. With this action , she smiled warmly. She let her other arm that had gripped onto his body go , she used that arm to carefully pet him and stroke his hair. "Terrance. . . you're my child." She said slowly. "-and that means I can do whatever I want with you." She put it simply. "Do you understand?" She inquired as she roughly threw him on the ground , her hand still over his mouth as tight as possible. "That means that as your mother , you have to go through this no matter if you like it or not." she said coldly , her eyes wide open as she spoke , a true mentally unstable person.

Terrance nodded vigorously as he sobbed harder , at this point he wanted to get this over with so he can live peacefully at least for a little while. "Hm , good." She said as she hauled him over and threw him to the other side of the room. The bone crunching sound being loudly heard as he let out another ear piercing scream , his throat aching and feeling horribly dry from all of the screams he emitted. His consciousness was barely staying in him now , the pain and blood loss finally taking effect. He sputtered out blood from his mouth and coughed as he tried taking a deep breath , wheezing in pain as he did so. His eyes fluttered as he groaned in such terrible pain , the sight of his mother walking over to him with a sinister smile was the thing that got him awake enough for a dreading question.

"W-what. . ."


Terrance gulped down his fears and spoke up as best as he could in his condition.

"W-what was. . . the point o-of all this.?" He questioned as he looked up to Flora as he quivered and cried. With this , Flora kneeled down to him and stayed silent. She dropped her smile and looked at him with all seriousness.

"To end it."

Before he could ask her to explain , his body gave up and he finally fell into deep sleep. His body now being broken once more just for Flora's amusement.
The mystery still continuing despite it being done , leaving it to it's own.


The rush of adrenaline of finally killing his mother reached towards Terrance's mind. The blood on his chainsaw dripping down as her corpse was disgustingly deformed , it stayed still - she died. She finally died.
He wanted to feel more , he wanted to feel this feeling more. Death , no - -  - causing death. He smiled wildly until his cheekbones hurt. He stared at Kenny , he was smiling as well.
This made sense , they were finally free.

Free at last.

He felt a gush of wind pass by as he felt something else in him he didn't recognize. He felt different. His mind was being overwhelmed with thoughts he wouldn't willingly think of or do. This wasn't him , yet it felt part of him. A side of him that had finally been awaken from this.


The mention of his name made his head turn over to Kenny.


Kenny looked down and stayed silent before he spoke up.

"What do we do now?"

Everything was quiet , Terrance couldn't find the answer to that. However , he did know what he felt he desperately wanted to do. The urge was taking over his mind and he couldn't help but feel like he was drowning under all of this. It was painful . . . until it stopped being painful.


Kenny called out his name again , seeing how Terrance stayed frozen. Worry is what he felt at the moment as he inched closer to Terrance and hugged him tightly. The only person left he could trust.
He started letting out a few tear droplets out , before he felt Terrance drop his chainsaw to caress him and comfort him. Terrance knelt down to his level as he hugged him twice as tight. He wanted to keep him safe , he HAD to keep him safe. So he opened his mouth to respond to Kenny.

"Just follow my lead."

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