Chapter 3

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I was sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed curled up with my book. Liam was just waiting on x-ray results but probably wouldn't be let go until later after he's had some rest. For some reason I wanted to stay with him, like I felt the need too. It was almost like something bad was going to happen to him and I needed to be here to protect him.

At the moment he was discussing things with his Step Dad, hoping that he wouldn't be injured to the point where he couldn't play lacrosse. It would be such a shame if his leg was more injured than I initially thought. But hopefully luck is on his side.

"You're very beautiful. Did you know that?" He says breaking the comfortable silence that emitted about the room.

I looked up with a giggle "Are you sure you didn't hit your head there tiger?" I set my book down giving him a raised brow.

"I'm sure. It's just an observation," he replies "You know you don't have to stay here with me. My dad's just down the hall,"

"I'm not sure how to explain it but I just feel like I have to stay," I replied my cheeks flushing red once I realized that I said that out loud.

"That's sweet of you really. Doing all this for someone you just met. You've got this protective nature about you. Just like those Dryads we learned about today," he says trying to sit up, I helped him sit up and placed a pillow behind his back to make him comfortable.

"My mother always said helping others leaves a good impression. Knowing you've helped someone makes you feel like you have purpose in the world," I explained sitting down on the edge of the bed, handing him the glass of water the was on the table.

We shared a smile before Scott and Stiles rushed into the room. I was shocked they were still here if I'm being honest. I thought they'd be long gone by now, maybe they actually cared if Liam was alright. They talked, well Liam mostly glared but I couldn't really blame him, it wasn't very long but Scott apologized for slamming into him and Liam forgave him. Everything was going well until the lights shut off and a sense of dread washed over me like a flood.

There were shouts of shock around the whole place. The air almost turned cold, which definitely didn't settle my nerves.

"Stay here," Scott says before he and Stiles left the room, rushing off to find out what was going on. Something tells me it was more than just a power outage.

Things got quiet except the sounds of people on different floors trying to get the power up and running again. Hopefully it's not out of long or the backup generators kick in soon. Suddenly there was this loud noise that nobody seemed to be worried about.

"Did you hear that?" Liam asked looking at me. I could hear his heart beating fast, knowing he was getting scared.

"Yeah," I say getting up and walking to the door. My hand was about to open the door when a hand gently stopped me.

"Wait what if someone dangerous is out there," Liam says and I turned my head to look up at him, he was a few inches taller than me, but our lips were dangerously close.

"If there is then I'd rather have places to run to rather than being trapped in this small room," I replied then gently pushed the door open. Together we stepped into the hallway and it was empty. Then the lights came back on, however this boy came out of the room beside us, covered in blood and I felt Liam grab my hand.

"I'm sorry about this but I'm just so hungry," the boy says stalking towards us and I felt my chest tighten as soon as I caught his scent. A wendigo.

"Oh shit," I mumbled walking backwards trying to keep myself in front of Liam knowing I might have to show my dryad side in order to save us both.

I flashed my eyes at the boy showing him that I was willing to fight if things came down to it. He seemed startled for a moment, probably because he's never seen a dryad before. However it didn't last long as he lunged at me, fangs barred. Seeing as Liam was behind me, I slammed into him causing us both to fall back. Leaving me sandwiched inbetween the wendigo and him.

I used my strength to push him off as he tried bitting me. And I didn't really want to be someones snack anytime soon. He was quick getting back up and rammed me to the side grabbing Liam by the ankle, dragging him off down the hall. As I got up to try and stop him he pushed me back down. Liam tried escaping but wasn't a match for the supernatural creature, who dragged him into the elevator hitting the button for the top floor. I got up and began running to the door. The last thing I saw before the doors closed was the terrified look in Liam's eyes.

Adrenaline began pumping through me as I desperately tried prying the doors open, but it was no use. The elevator was already on the next floor. I growled deeply, which sounded like thunder rumbling, as Scott came running over to me, his claws out as he surveyed the scene.

"It took Liam!" I yelled starting to worry, seeing it's my duty to protect humans from dangerous supernatural beings as well as protecting defenseless supernatural beings who aren't harmful to others.

"Follow me," he says rushing off towards what I hope was a set of stairs. Putting my trust in him, I followed since he knew the hospital better than I did. He lead me to the stair and together we zoomed up them missing steps here and there. Not that it mattered seeing as the only thing that did matter was protecting Liam.

After 3 flights of stairs we finally made it to the roof. I didn't even hesitate at shoving the door open and rushing out into the crisp night. The wendigo had dropped Liam close to the edge of the roof and was about to kill him, when vines shot out of my hands wrapping around him. With all my strength I flung him off of Liam as Scott went to fight him.

I rushed over to Liam crouching down beside him. Not caring if my eyes were showing or my real face, which came out whenever I fully shifted into my dryad form. It wasn't scary, I'd say. I didn't have fangs or hair protruding from my cheeks, or claws for that matter. My skin became a sort of green color with brownish vines coming out that made me resemble tree bark. And my ears became elvish, pointing at the top. So essentially I looked like a tree personified.

I could feel Liam's eyes on me as I crouched protectively in front of him. The wendigo had knocked Scott down and ran towards me, ready to attack. I used my earth magic to encapsulate his feet in thick vines. Then got up and ran forwards sending him sprawling to the ground with a perfectly placed kick to the chest.

The fight continued for awhile but eventually things got even more serious when Liam ended up hanging over the edge of the roof as the Wendigo fought with Scott who had one of Liam's hands. I tried grabbing the other but everytime I did the Wendigo knocked me over. Suddenly out of nowhere something came flying into the back of the creature, killing it. Scott and I glanced over to see a man with no mouth looking at us, he creepily placed a finger over where his mouth would've been before leaving the scene.

Turns out during all of this Scott ended up biting Liam as a means of saving his life. Scott promised me that he'd look after Liam and since I trusted him, having seen that he was the true Alpha my mom told me about, I bid them goodnight and went home. What a crazy day it has been....

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