Chapter 5

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As I was getting ready for the party I hoped things wouldn't end badly. Seeing as it's Liam's first full moon and Scott hadn't been able to explain things to him. Mostly because the new beta was ignoring his alpha, not wanting anything to do with him. Which wasn't good for Liam at all, seeing as Omega wolves were always the weakest out of the ranks. They never really survived on their own.

"Is there a reason why you're endlessly running that brush through your untangled hair?" Mom's voice asks from the doorway as she watched me being spaced out. I stopped, placing it on the vanity, then gazed up at her in the mirror.

"Remember the boy from this morning?" I asked and she nodded her head, obviously knowing who I was talking about.

"Yeah the cute one," she says wiggling her brows jokingly adding on a chuckle.

"Well yesterday he got hurt at lacrosse practice by the true Alpha. So we took him to the hospital to get looked at, while we were there the power went out. Scott and his friend went to go see what was wrong, leaving Liam and I in the room. We heard this noise and went to check it out but got attacked by a wendigo. He took Liam up to the roof where Scott and I fought him. Liam ended up hanging off the roof so Scott bit him to save his life then this guy with no mouth killed the wendigo before leaving," I explained everything that happened in the span of 24 hours knowing she would want to know about the supernatural events that take place.

"So what does that have to do with you fidgeting frantically?" She asks in a concerned tone.

"Because he invited me to a party tonight and it's the full moon. His first one and there will be a house full of people since he's avoiding Scott," I replied in a panic, trying to calm my breathing.

"Hey it'll be alright my little sprout. I'm sure things won't end horribly, just look out for him," she says coming over to rub my shoulder, something that always seemed to calm me in times of stress. There was a moment of silence then the door bell rang. Meaning it was time to leave.

Mom smiled before leaving to answer the door since Dad was working late again. I left my hair as it was and checked my outfit in the mirror. I opted for black leggings paired with a turquoise blouse and my black converse, I wore it to school but didn't feel like changing so with that I walked down the stairs.

Liam was standing in the entrance hall with mom, through the opened door I could see Kira in the diver's seat of a black SUV. She gave me a sorry look as she caught my gaze, maybe there was more too this than I thought. A plan to get Liam to talk to Scott. Why else would Kira be here?

"Alright Sprout I'll see you later, please stay safe and if you're gonna drink please call me and I'll come get you when you're ready to leave," she says pecking my forehead and giving me a quick hug.

"Mom you know I can't get drunk," I replied with a giggle and she winked at me before leaving the room. With that awkward moment out of the way I turned to Liam.

"Let's go party, I hope you don't mind Kira she's the one who invited me and said I could bring a friend," he says stepping aside to let me pass, I could feel the power of the full moon already. It weakens my powers so my senses aren't as good as they normally are.

"Yeah that's alright," I say as we get to the car. Kira gave me a look not to say anything and I nodded my head. So this was a ploy to help Liam out. That's reassuring.

The ride was terribly quiet since nobody really wanted to speak. From my place in the back I could already see Liam struggling for control over the moon, which Kira picked up on too.

The poor boy had his hands clamped over his ears despite the radio being on low volume. Eventually it became too much for him and he pleaded with Kira to turn it off. The girl shook out of her focused reserve.

"You want me to turn the music up?" She asked not fully hearing what he said and she turned it up a bit. The bass filled the car easing the tension. I placed my hand on Liam's shoulder which seemed to calm him down. The house could be seen up ahead, not a person in sight.

Kira parked the car in the drive giving me a worried look. We both new Liam was going to shift soon, and things could go bad if we didn't hurry up and get him inside.

Liam was getting jittery and began asking Kira all these questions, wondering where everyone was. Kira just explained that we were very early and people would be arriving soon. Luckily Liam didn't pick up her heartbeat as it wavered slightly from the lie. Not being able to control his hearing yet. She walked inside motioning for us to follow.

"After you," he says holding to door open for me and I walked inside, the place was dark and quiet but I could hear the heartbeats of the others just around the corner. Waiting to make an appearance. As Liam walked in behind me, Kira closed the door and everyone stepped out. I pretended to be shocked. Having guessed what was going on, my instincts are always right for the most part.

"What the hell is going on?" Liam asks baffled looking at Kira in betrayal, the girl put her head down in shame, not proud of the trick that was played.

"I'm guessing it was a ploy to get you alone, and I'm collateral damage," I state looking around at the group who still had no idea as to what I am. Even though Scott has seen me as my dryad self.

"Wow nothing gets passed those supernatural sense huh?" Stiles states sarcastically and by now I'm beginning to think it's his only defense for things seeing as he's the only human of their group.

"What even are you?" Scott asks with a stumped look, trying desperately to figure it out. I giggled at his confusion.

"She's a guardian dryad idiot," Liam says with a scoff "They are chosen to protect humans and harmless supernatural beings from those that wish to hunt them,"

"How'd you know that?" Lydia asks with an impressed look, meaning she most likely figured out what I am.

"I paid attention to what she explained about them in history, plus I saw her transform on the night this asshole bit me," he replied giving Scott an accused look.

Scott once again apologized about that before trying to explain everything to Liam. Turns out my assumption on him being the true Alpha was right and I was kind of right about Malia being a werewolf, she's a werecoyote. Lydia is a banshee which must be hard being surrounded by all that death and Kira is a Kitsune which is cool.

"So all of you are supernatural. What about you?" Liam asks looking at Stiles tilting his head slightly.

"Well for awhile I was possessed by an evil spirit. He was very evil," Stiles replied scratching his head.

"What are you now?" He asks wanting the junior to clarify.

"Umm, better?" Stiles says as more of a question which made me laugh.

Liam then began freaking out and tried leaving but the door as locked, soon the intense power of the moon was too much for him as he slumped to the floor, covering his ears. Headlights could be seen through the closed curtains.

"Who did you invite?" Kira asks peeking out the window as everyone began panicking. Malia's eyes began changing, meaning she too didn't have full control over her shifting just yet. Stiles lead her off somewhere to keep her contained. Stopping in the doorway for a few minutes.

"My friend Mason," Liam says clutching his head in pain, and his claws came out as his eyes changed color.

"Who invited everyone," Kira says looking back at us in worry. By the sounds of it, the whole school was outside meanwhile inside we have two shifters who couldn't control their primal instincts. This is bad.

"We gotta get them out of here. Lydia you'll have to deal with this," Stiles says making his way out of the door.

"What do you want me to do?" Lydia questioned in a panic waving her arms about dramatically.

"Who throws the best parties in town?" I asked curious as to who it might be.

Lydia gasps placing a hand on her chest "What! Me, obviously," she says as I helped Scott get Liam up off the floor before he could tear it up.

"So throw a party," Stiles retorts ushering Malia off to the basement, while Scott and I took Liam outside with Kira in tow. The full moon almost at its apex.

This was going to be a long night....

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