Chapter 7

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The image of the dead man kept playing through my mind the next morning as I got ready. Turns out he was a werewolf, from a neighboring pack. He would sell kegs of liquor to minors. Also while we went to investigate everything Kira ran to check on Lydia who apparently found a list of names on a hit list. Next to each name was an amount of money, with Scott having the most next to his name. Lydia and Kira were also upon it.

Liam, Malia and I were safe for now but it was only a matter of time before we discovered more lists, seeing as Lydia has figured out there is three in total. Of course we decided not to tell Liam this yet, hoping to not draw attention from the assassin's towards him. We discussed this after Stiles had brought the beta home once Scott gave him the clear. So I guess moving to a new place and trying to fit in was the least of my problems.

My mind kept busy throughout the school day, having so much to think about. Of course I had informed my mother on everything that had been discovered. I just hoped her name didn't appear in the list, I don't know what I'd do if that were the case.

"Can I show you something?" The voice of Liam says bringing me out of my thoughts. I blinked looking up at the beta stood next to me. A worried look written on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he gently took my arm, leading me to sit on the stairs. Everyone else was making their way to the lacrosse scrimmage, the school we were playing would be arriving soon. He looked like he was contemplating on if he should show me whatever he wanted to show me. Finally after a few seconds he reached into the front pocket of his bag and hauled out a crumpled sheet of paper.

"Somehow my printer kept printing this off, even though it was unplugged," he says handing over the sheet. Looking down at it I saw all the names and prices listed out. Liam's printer had somehow printed out the first part of the Deadpool, as Stiles called it. I sighed knowing I'd have to tell him everything now, stupid supernatural magic.

"Lydia discovered it last night. It's a hit list of all supernatural beings in the area, there's assassin's here to kill us all. Like the one who killed the Wendigo the other day when you were bitten," I explained pulling gently at the ends of my hair. My hair most likely would've been yanked out if it weren't for Liam taking my hands away from my long caramel locks.

"Does that mean our names are going to be on the next lists?" He asks softly, I could sense the fear coming off of him.

"Unfortunately and I haven't the slightest idea as to how the person managed to get all our names but it's my job to protect us at all costs," I reassured giving him a genuine smile, which he returned.

We stayed silent for what felt like an eternity however it was merely a few minutes. It was a comfortable silence, one where you just enjoy each other's company. Not really needing to say much. However it was broken, taking us out of our reserve.

"Dude come on, you need to get ready for the scrimmage. The coach wants all team members to greet the other team," a boy tells Liam, who blinked twice before looking up at his friend.

"I'm totally dreading this," Liam replied with a sigh earning a giggle from me. Since when did I giggle? He stood up, offering his hand to me. I kindly accepted it and he helped me stand up. Together we all began walking to the main doors.

"You must be Nevaeh?" The boy asks smiling gently at me causing Liam's eyes to widen. So he's telling his friends about me. Interesting.

"Yeah that's me," I replied holding out my hand for him to shake, he had a nice firm handshake. Looking at him I knew he was human, which is gonna be hard for Liam to keep his secret from his best friend.

"I'm Mason, it's nice to finally meet you. I think we have Chemistry together," he says holding the door open for Liam and I to pass through.

"Right I sit behind you," I recalled as a bus pulled up in front of the building. It was a tour bus but had the name of a private school on the side in big letters. Great now we have to deal with stuck up rich kids.

"Isn't that your old school?" Mason asks Liam with a concerned look, the shorter boy grimaced clenching his fist as a tall guy got off first. He was blonde, and seemed arrogant. He made eye contact with me first offering a cocky grin and I knew right then he was a werewolf. Something Liam didn't pick up on.

He made his way over towards the boy, anger written on his face. However his demeanor changed when he held his hand out towards the boy.

"Brett, I just wanted to say, have a good game," Liam says offering up good sportsmanship although deep down he was furious. The boy laughed right in Liam's face causing me to frown.

"That's cute Liam, is that what they told you to say in anger management," Brett says earning laughs from the rest of his team.

"It's called being a good sport but clearly they don't teach mannerisms at prep schools," I retort making my way over. From where I stood before I saw a trickle of blood fall from Liam's hand as he tried his hardest to control his anger. I gently took his hand without anyone seeing and he calmed down right away.

"You're lucky your little girlfriend is here to defend you cuz on the field I'm going to destroy you," Brett replies looking me up and down, a distasteful look on his face as he took in my outfit. Which consisted of grey leggings and a star wars t-shirt.

"Sorry my Prada's at the cleaners, along with my hoodie and my fuck up flip flops you pretentious douchebag," I growled hoping my eyes didn't flicker, hearing the laugh come from Liam is what calmed me down. Maybe he was my anchor. "And at least he can get someone," I defended with a stern look.

Before things could escalate Stiles and Scott rushed over. Doing everything they could from stopping a fight from breaking out.

"Woah welcome prep students, I'm Stiles it's nice to meet you," the spastic teen says holding out his hand, trying to defuse the tension. Brett made no move to shake Stiles's hand something the boy picked up on "That's a firm handshake you got there," he wished then a good game before leading Liam and I back towards the school with Scott in tow. Liam was about to wolf out and we couldn't have that.

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