Chapter 22

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It was officially the first day of junior year. Soon I'd have to pick colleges I'd like to attend in the next few years. I'm thinking about maybe taking a year off, before deciding what I really wanted to do. But that was two years away, so I didn't have to worry about it this moment.

"I'm off to culinary class, please just let Mason rant about his theories. I mean he watched the sheriff blow up a beserker with a land mine. You can tell him about everything now, keep that in mind," I say to Liam as we stood in the doorway of his history class.

He pulled me in closer, wrapping his hands around my waist. Placing a long kiss on my lips, as we pulled away my eyes caught the annoyed ones of a dark haired girl. She was radiating a sense of annoyance as well as anger. Maybe even a hint of jealousy, but I wasn't sure.

"I'll tell him soon, really babe I promise. I'm just not sure how to go about it, and it's making me nervous since I'm not sure how he'll react," he says tucking a stand of hair behind my ear, and I smiled. Kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm absolutely sure he'd find this all fascinating and wouldn't hurt you in any way. You're like his brother," I reassured quickly giving him a goodbye hug before making it to my class.

Culinary class was an easy class, especially since I loved cooking and baking. It was a hobby of mine and I'd often make the meals for my family. It brought a sense of ease to me so because I was at peace it didn't seem like the class lasted long, which was good. So after 40 minutes I was now in my independent study and I had chosen a music study for mine.

So at this moment I was at my locker dropping off my books. Liam comes over and his locker just so happened to be next to mine and I noticed a grumpy look on his face. Mason was with him, however he was busy staring at the boys soccer team with a bashful smile, the sight made me giggle. He was so boy crazy it was adorable.

"Hey baby, how come you're in your gym shorts?" I asked upon seeing that he changed out of his jeans, I patted Mason on his shoulder "Go get yourself a man," laughing as he nodded before walking out after the team. Planning to study, but he'd get distracted by all the shirtless players.

"A girl in history put gum on my chair and I of course wasn't paying attention and sat in it," he replied, hauling books out of his locker as I locked up my things.

"That wasn't very nice of her," I fumed but he grabbed my hand, which I always found soothing in times of frustration. Reassuring me that everything was alright and I shouldn't get worked up over it.

"Its alright Nev," he says with a smile, kissing my cheek before going off to his next class and I made my way over to the music room. Which I had booked for the next hour. I had sat at the piano, fiddling with different keys before playing songs I learned as a child. Mom had put me into lessons back in LA but I hadn't had one since moving here.
Luckily I hadn't forgotten much, even though it's been months since actually playing.

"If I'm the sun then you're the moon. If you're the words then I'm the tune. If you're the heart then I'm the beat. Somehow together we're complete, there are times my world is crumbling and the rain is crashing down. But everywhere you are the sun comes out. Even where you're gone I feel you close. You'll always be the one I love the most," I sang softly as my fingers danced across the keys. Blocking the world out until I felt a presence enter the room and sit next to me at the piano.

"Never lost that angelic voice, or amazing piano skills I see," Theo says looking over at me with a smile. Playfully nudging my shoulder as I shrugged, never really seeing the beauty behind my singing voice. Of course singing wasn't really a passion of mine so I hardly ever did it.

"I can't lose something I hardly ever use, it's not a daily thing for me really," I admit noticing the wilting flower in his hand, knowing already what he was going to ask.

"Would you be so kind as to liven this up for me. I'm heading down to the place I lost my sister later and want it to look nicer for her memory," he asked nicely with a hopeful look. I hovered my hand over the white lily, closing my eyes to focus. Power emitted from my palm, casting over the plant, with a deep breath I reopened my eyes seeing the flower looking radiant once more.

"It's really sweet that you still do that even after all those years.  I couldn't imagine the pain of losing someone close at such a young age. Seeing as my families are somewhat immortal, in a sense," I admire his courage to still do things to keep her memory alive, even if it's just the small gesture of leaving a flower at the place his sister passed.

"It's the little things in life that count. Not a day goes by where I don't miss her," he replied sadly, still not over the loss. But one doesn't really get over such things, we just learn to cope with them as a means of trying to move on. The look on his face pained me and I placed my hand upon his, comforting him as best I could.

"She may be gone, but not lost. She's right there," I say pointing at where his heart was beating steadily, offing up a smile for my condolences. He had told me about his sister a few years ago, I just hadn't known until now that this is the town in which she sadly left this life.

"You always know how to cheer people up Heaven, never change that about yourself," he smiled and I pulled him into a hug, knowing it made him feel better. With that over with, he excused himself to let me finish my things.

It was now the end of the school day and Liam texted me saying that he went somewhere with Stiles. They were following up on a hunch Stiles had.

He didn't have to explain anything since I figured it had something to do with Theo's sudden reappearance to the area, and Stiles had voiced his suspicions on the whole ordeal. As I was driving to my house I caught their scent and decided to follow them. Not wanting them to get in trouble.

The trail lead me to Stiles jeep which was parked in the reserve. I shook my head as I followed the voices I heard in the distance, to which I stumbled upon my boyfriend and our friend. Who were talking about something in quick voices. That was until Theo appear on-top of a fallen branch, asking them what they were doing.

"I'm making sure they don't do something stupid," I replied making my presence known holding my hands up in surrender.

He jumped down and Liam stood protectively infront of Stiles and I. Not really trusting the boy much either, however I grabbed his hand. Calming him down.

"Why do I get the feeling this kids tougher than he looks?" Theo asked with a smile, showing he meant no harm to any of us, but Stiles didn't seem to buy it for one second.

"Only when we let him off his leash," Stiles retorts getting all defensive. The two began talking as Theo tried his best to plead his case as to why he returned after all this time. Recalling events from there childhood that only the two would remember. When that was over we went back to the cars and Scott was there.

The best friends began talking, and Liam went on to say he fell in a hole. Then I got in my car, and he asked me if I could take him to the school to see Mason, which I agreed too.

And that is where my night ended, after dropping off my boyfriend to hang out with our best friend, thinking nothing was wrong.....

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