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I searched around the area, but I didn't exactly find anything of interest. There were a few attractions that I saw but I wasn't in the mood for doing them and I was sure no one wanted to do them with me. I decided to head to the monitor room to calm a few of my worries. Just knowing that there was an AI exactly like me that could give out information, simply made me anxious.

It wasn't like anyone could view it but knowing myself, when it came to keeping money, I failed at it miserably. I usually never had money on me because of it and simply stole Sou's wallet whenever I needed something. There was even a time when I'd lost his wallet.

I studied my monitor, contemplating on whether I should break it or simply leave it be and hope no one got a hold of my tokens. My thoughts were brutally interrupted by an annoying voice.

"Hiyori, huh...?" Ranger stood behind me, eyeing me up and down. "I can't see it all."

I stared at him for a moment. "What?"

"No way you're that stupid!" Ranger said. "I know you're way smarter than ya look."

I blinked. "Shut up."

"Is that any way to be talkin' to a Floor Master?" Ranger asked. "Sheesh, having an annoyin' personality runs in the family, I see."

I sighed, trying to ignore him and stared back at the monitor. Sadly, it seemed like Ranger was trying to annoy me even more.

"Whatcha even lookin' at?" he asked. "That monitor is off, ya know. Does craziness run in the family too?"

I decided to engage in the conversation a bit, hoping it'd make him give up. "I was just wondering if I should break this monitor or not."

"Huuuuh?" Ranger let out a loud chuckle. "I know ya hate to hear it, but y'all really act alike. Y'all got annoying' personalities and give half assed responses. Totally pisses me off."

I felt my teeth clench as I gave him a stare of pure loathing. Then, he cracked a grin at me.

"There goes that angry look!" Ranger teased. "Ya look way more appealing like that."

I let out a groan. "Somehow, you're more annoying than Miley..." I muttered.

"Huh??" Ranger asked, looking interested in what I said. "Didn't quite hear that!"

"Since you're bothering me so much, maybe you can give me some answers," I said, crossing my arms.

"Huh??" Ranger said again. "Sooorrryy, didn't hear that either! Though, I do have a piece of advice. Try not to die. It'd be a maaajor shame for someone like you to die so soon!"

The way he worded his statement peaked my interest. "What do you mean by that?"

Ranger just laughed. "I'm done here! I'm sure you'll get your answers eventually, so chill the hell out! No need to rush a nice process, right?"

With that, he slipped away. It seemed like all of the floor masters had a goal of making me angry or making me look suspicious.

I decided to leave the monitor alone, for the time being. I was sure I could keep my tokens for a day, at least. I left to go to my room and hopefully force myself to sleep, but when I was about to enter the lobby, an interesting conversation came up.

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