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The Beginning of a Something New

The day had been going quite normally for me. I was on my laptop, trying to hack into my school's grading system.

I was trying to change my one of my grades. According to my teacher, I didn't turn in my assignments. The thing was that I definitely remembered turning them in, so it was clearly his mistake. But when I told him that, he said, "If you've already done them, then I'm sure you have no problem doing them again."

Of course I wasn't going to do that. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. I already knew what grades I'd gotten on these assignments, as I got a hold of the answer key. All I had to do was change the final grade. My teacher was kind of an idiot, so I was sure I'd be able to make him believe that my grade hadn't been changed at all.

As I was in the middle of doing it, I heard my bedroom door open and simply from the footsteps I could tell who it was. And I did not want to deal with him.

I pointed towards the door. "Get out."

"Don't you think it's time you make some friends, (Name)?" Sou asked.

"Nope," I said.

"There's someone I want you to meet. So get off the laptop and say hello." Sou walked over to me, about to shut my laptop before I grabbed his wrist.

I glared at him. "You shut this off, I'll kill you."

Sou simply laughed. "You don't seem like you're in the best of moods. Well regardless, I at least want you to introduce yourself. C'mon Shin, don't be shy, now."

I looked behind my brother to see a unfamiliar person. He had teal hair and wore a beanie on his head. He seemed to have a timid personality and seemed to be a high schooler, around my age.

"U..Um..." he muttered.

"They're really not all that scary," Sou told him.

The guy hesitatingly walked up to me. "I'm Shin Tsukimi. Nice to meet you."

I stared at him for a bit. "(Name) Hiyori." I turned back to my laptop screen.

"You could be a little nicer," Sou said, "don't you think?"

"Get out," I said.

"You'll have to get along with him eventually," Sou added. "We're friends, after all, so you'll see more of him."

I ignored him and eventually the two of them left my room on their own. It wasn't the first time that Sou made "friends" with some random person, so I wasn't completely interested. After all, it usually always ended up having the same conclusion.

But... for some reason... this specific guy caught my interest.

After I was done changing my grade, I noticed Sou and "Shin" were about to finally leave. They were probably heading to Sou's place. A part of me ached to interfere before Sou made Shin another lab rat. So, while Sou was busy doing something else, I decided to start a conversation and ask Shin what I'd been wondering about ever since he appeared.

"It's Tsukimi, right?" I asked.

"Ah, yeah.. you can call me Shin though..." he said. "I don't really mind."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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