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Miruko hated watching fights.

Sure, for most people watching a fight was about the thrill of watching two people try to tear eachother apart, but for the rabbit hero it was about more than that.

She wanted to FUCK.

In all her life she had never had sex for the simple reason that absolutely no one had any sex appeal to her. She consulted a doctor and was told that her quirk was at fault. Apparently, many quirks that were based on animals had an impact on sex drive, this was something that she had already known due to her seemingly endless hornyness and need to masturbate while going through puberty, and to a lesser degree when she got older, not that she was that far out of puberty anyway at the age of 19.

This issue was that not only did her quirk give her a neigh uncontrollable sex drive, but it also made it so she could only get off while at least a little fear. She would often fantasize about some strong, powerful guy towering over her and fucking her within an inch of her life.

For as long as she could remember, she would come to the UA sports festival to see if anyone could 'help' her. Logic dictated that the strongest age appropriate people fighting each other would at least let her find someone who would agree to being fuck-buddies at the very least, maybe something else but for the life of her she couldn't discribe her ideal relationship. She had only stopped coming because every year she would get a private viewing booth and get half turned on only for the fighters to all be a bunch of weaklings, so how was she supposed to be afraid of what one of them could do to her?

The only reason she even went this year was because All Might said she wouldn't regret it. All Might knew of her problem and had taken it upon himself to find someone who could make her happy, so when she heard rumors that he had named a successor that would be attending UA, and then he told her to watch the festival, she was getting her hopes up pretty high.

She had planned to show up after the Cavalry Battle and Race had already concluded because she didn't give a shit about those anyway, but a villain attack made it so she missed the first rounds of the fights as well and there was currently a tiebreaker being decided, so Rumi had decided that her private booth could wait while she went to the bathroom, not wanting to run the risk of missing the actual fights.

She glanced at a display that showed the current brackets with pictures for reference. Apparently, the brackets for the quarter finals were Izuku Midoriya vs. the winner of the tiebreaker, Ibara Shiozaki vs. Tenya Ida, Shoto Todoroki vs. Mina Ashido, Fumikage Tokoyami vs Katsuki Bakugo.

When she found the bathroom, it was in use so she figured that since she had a bit of time to kill, she'd just wait. She pulled out her phone and went to begin mindlessly scrolling through different apps when her sensitive ears picked up on something in the bathroom.

"-rry Master, I should have just made a device to counter dark shadow." A girl said from the inside of the bathroom.

"It's ok, pup, you're still my good little puppy, aren't you? I'm very proud of you and all you girls will be rewarded later." A boy said back.

Now that had Rumi's attention. The idea of that sort of relationship wasn't one she had never heard of before, but she had never been around when someone was doing it and had no idea how it actually worked.

"Even Tsu and Mina? They like different things than Kyoka and I, and Himiko is somewhere in between." The 'pup' asked her master.

'Damn, how many girls does this guy have? And wasn't Mina that pink girl who is going to the next round?' Rumi thought, her phone completely forgotten.

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