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While Izuku and his pets from the hero course were on their way to the hospital, it was Rykyo's job to get the pregnant girl, Inko, and Mei to the hospital. Rumi was doing very well about not panicking, meanwhile Inko was panicking to an extreme degree.

"Where are the blankets? WE NEED BLANKETS!" Inko shouted hysterically while scrambling around the house. She looked like a headless chicken, running around like a mad woman.

"Inko, beautiful, strong mother of the man I love. We don't need blankets." Rumi said while keeping her breathing even. She had just got off the phone with Izuku and he would be taking the girls that were with him to the hospital they had agreed upon while Rykyo would take her, Inko, Himiko, and Mei. Rykyo had been ready to go for a few minutes and Himiko was due back with Mei any second, but rather than helping Rumi get her pants on (stupid pregnancy) she was trying to gather blankets like they were going into a nuclear bunker.

"What? Oh, right. What are you doing with your pants around your ankles, we have to go!" Inko said as she set the gathered blankets on the couch.

Rumi looked at Inko with a deadpan stare. "Gee Inko….I never would have thought of putting pants on.."

"You really should! We. Have. To. GO! Oh my goodness you need help!" She said, practically diving to help the bunny hero work her pants up her legs.

Rumi rolled her eyes at her…mother in law? Future mother in law? "Inko, please just try and relax, stressing out will do no good in this situation."

"I WAS IN LABOR WITH IZU FOR FORTY HOURS!" Inko shouted, mania dancing in her watery eyes. Forty hours of blood, tears and pain. She would never wish it on her worst enemy.

"W-What? It can take that long? I thought it was just a quick walk in, sit down, squeeze out some kids, and call it a day! I don't want to spend forty hours giving birth! I'm having more than one!" Rumi screamed, her ears and tail twitching violently.

At that moment the door busted open followed by the sight of a manic looking Hatsume. "AND YOU WON'T HAVE TO WITH THIS BABY!"  She tells while holding what looks like the same gun that turned the pets to animal hybrids.

"Mei baby? What is that?" Inko asked with concern written across her features.

Hatsume smiled and giggled with manic glee. "This is the Anti-Labor gun! I started making it as soon as Rumi told everyone she was pregnant." She skipped over to the bunny.

"If this is correct that you will feel absolutely no pain at all during your labor and it should make the babies come out easier." Smirking at the bunny. "Want to try it out?"

Rumi looked at Hatsume and nodded. "Anything to try and not deal with the pain."

Hatsume nodded and pressed a button on the gun before aiming it at the bunny. "OK firing in 3….2….1" as soon as she pulled the trigger…nothing happened.

"What th…" before Mei could say anything the damn thing caught on fire.

"YOU WERE GOING TO SHOOT MY BABIES WITH AN UNTESTED DEVICE!" Rumi screamed before doubling over in pain. "Fuck it, we need to go. Maybe you'll have it done by the time Momo is pregnant, because I'm not doing this shit again!" Rumi said, fully knowing she'd take it back the second another heat hit her.

The group of women all went outside and got on the transformed dragon hero's back and held on, causing Rykyo to launch herself and her passengers into the air and begin flying through the sky towards the hospital.

Rumi groaned and whimpered as the pain hit her again. "I want Master…where is he?" She whimpered into Inko's shoulder.

"Shhhh, it's alright dear. Izu is at the hospital now and he will personally carry you to the birthing room. I'd like to see literally anyone try to stop him." Ink cooed in her ear while softly stroking it, helping with the pain slightly.

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